Pat Buchanan: "You Have The Charlie Sheen Of Finance Running The IMF" (Fact: U.S. Gave The IMF 103 Million Ounces Of Gold)
May 17, 2011 at 1:07 AM
DailyBail in IMF, dominique strauss-kahn, dsk, imf, pat buchanan, video

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Pat Buchanan on the sex scandal surrounding IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn: "I will tell you. Look, you have the Charlie Sheen of global finance running the IMF. The seriousness of it is this: He is dead as a presidential candidate in France. Good news for Sarkozy, he's out of the IMF, but more important, this is going to bring a focus on the IMF, which through the back door has been putting the American taxpayers on the hook to bail out Greece and Ireland and those European countries which are in fact bailouts of those European banks. And Ron Paul is right on top of this, and, Joe, I see this as bringing the IMF, at this critical point, when the bailouts in Europe are in big trouble, it is put a limelight on the one institution other than the European Central Bank, which is baling out these European countries and banks."

Pat Buchanan - The Dirty Old Man and the IMF

What is this satyr doing running the IMF? How was a man of his Eurotrash reputation approved by the United States government? Such conduct may be pooh-poohed over the pond, but has our country dropped that low?

As is not infrequently the case, Rep. Ron Paul nails it: "These are the kind of people running the IMF, and we want to turn the world's finances and the control of the money supply (over) to them?"

Indeed, there are issues here far beyond the corruption of character that drives aging compulsive lechers to criminality when their prey resist.

One of those issues is: Why is the IMF still being funded by the United States?

With the World Bank, the IMF was birthed at Bretton Woods, N.H., in 1944. In the monetary order established there, the U.S. dollar would be tied to gold, and the free world's currencies would be tied to the dollar, all at fixed rates of exchange.

All would contribute funds in their own currency to the IMF.

America would make the largest contribution.  As its birthday gift, Uncle Sam gave the IMF 103 million ounces of gold.

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