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DSK Is Done At The IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn Resigns 

Breaking story.

Source - Bloomberg

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, once considered a leading contender to win the French presidency next year, resigned as head of the International Monetary Fund after being charged with attempting to rape a New York hotel maid.

Strauss-Kahn, 62, informed the Executive Board of the IMF of his intention to resign as managing director with immediate effect, the IMF said in an e-mailed statement.

Strauss-Kahn’s arrest reshaped the race for the French presidency, eliminating President Nicolas Sarkozy’s biggest rival. His resignation from the IMF, more than 17 months before his term was scheduled to end, may open the field to a candidate from an emerging-market country to run the fund, set up after World War II to promote global financial stability.

Strauss-Kahn denied charges that he attacked a 32-year-old woman at a Sofitel hotel in midtown Manhattan on May 14. He was ordered held without bail by a New York judge after prosecutors said he presented a flight risk. He had been taken into custody and removed from an Air France flight at John F. Kennedy International Airport.

The IMF chief is charged with criminal sexual act, attempted rape, sexual abuse, unlawful imprisonment, sexual abuse and forcible touching, according to court papers. Strauss- Kahn, a former French finance minister, faces as long as 25 years in prison if convicted of the most serious charges, prosecutors said. His lawyer said he will plead not guilty.


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Reader Comments (14)

Satellite images reveal alarming speed Pakistan is rushing to finish weapons-grade nuclear reactor

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1388363/Satellite-images-reveal-alarming-speed-Pakistan-rushing-finish-weapons-grade-nuclear-reactor.html#ixzz1Mlpr0KJS
May 19, 2011 at 1:07 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Obama to Pledge New Mideast Aid


we have to borrow the money from our kids...but go ahead and spend it...
May 19, 2011 at 1:08 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
How does this impact the IMF's idea for SDR's?
May 19, 2011 at 1:33 AM | Unregistered CommenterHyperinflation on the horizon
You know, these recurrent themes (blind pussy addiction; painkillers; insane lying; insert weirdness here) are enough to invite the question of whether financial myrmidons like DSK and Geithner and ($42) Paulson are somehow pre-screened for TV-worthy fatal flaws.

Lots of MSM "information," e.g., the $1T surprise discovery of Afghan minerals right before that war became our longest, is quite easily dismissed. The DSK, saga, by contrast, is a feast of weirdness. First one who figures out how to play that angle wins.
May 19, 2011 at 2:21 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Does he get a golden parachute?
May 19, 2011 at 4:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
It was a take down sanctioned at the highest level by godfather Rothschild himself.
This was a set up honey-trap, an inside (b-) job
Why? Somehow Rothschild and his counterfeiting oligarch cronies are planning to implement a private fractional-reserve-usury currency. How they will try and how DSK's take down factors into it is presently unclear.
May 19, 2011 at 4:49 AM | Unregistered CommenterMouser
May 19, 2011 at 6:58 AM | Unregistered Commenterdr mengle,got twins?
Mouser I'm with you on that. Those guys get away with anything and everything until they become a liability then out comes the press to destroy them. He'd never have been charged if he wasn't meant to be.
May 19, 2011 at 7:04 AM | Unregistered CommenterCanuck
When did this blog veer off to the land of the conspiracy minions? Perhaps it was chemtrails that made him do it????
May 19, 2011 at 7:38 AM | Unregistered CommenterOberron4life
Another "Spitzer" job.
May 19, 2011 at 8:25 AM | Unregistered Commenterbrisa

Dominique Strauss-Khan (Cohen) caught in IMF 'honey-trap' with Manhattan hotel 'maid'.

Yea, Elliot Spitzer 'honey-trap'- like isn't it?

Something smells fishy - and I don't mean bodily fluids. The arrest off the plane just 1 hour and forty minutes after the 'chamber maid' reported it. The chief administrator of the hotel's only comment was "we are cooperating with authorities".

Hmmm. DSK supposedly forgot his cell phone and according to police "looked like he left in a hurry". Would a real police spokesman say that to a reporter even before such a high ranking zionist was found guilty? How did they get the arrest warrant so fast - it would be needed to get onto the plane to remove DSK?

This smacks of an E.Spitzer take down. Who and why? Someone wrote today that we should always remember those in power are always 10 steps ahead.

And the story is changing continuously in the MSM. Was it fellacio or sodomy? Was it attempted or carried through?

Something is amiss here. Today one pundit stated that DSK was about to put the USA into receivership for bankruptcy.

Another pundit noted DSK was to speak at the Brettonwoods conference later in May 2011. The key-note speaker was to be China but it just cancelled, also H.Clinton had just bowed out, and now DSK will also be prevented from speaking.

Further, a statement that the new head of the IMF is to be a JPMorgan man - announced in less than 24 hours after DSK's arrest off the plane.

Chambermaids don't usually have the clout or power to have zionist oligarch IMF lackies like DSK detained or charged without months or years of lawyer litigations where the accusee is usually bought-off or suicided.

Nope, someone who right now stands closer to Rothschild and his oligarch buddies than DSK himself, very probably 'honey-trapped' him. Dusting the dresser in his room with more than a little bit of cleavage showing and then res ponding positive to his flirting...bim-badda-bing...semen in the right place (for example on the maid's uniform). Then the preplanned step two: 'cry wolf' to the hotel administrator who plays his pre-ordained part and calls the vice-squad who is already ready with the warrant (written and noterized even before the fellacio occured), who drives to the airport to arrest DSK directly off his plane before it leaves for Europe. Too much like a movie plot.

The 'honey-trap' may have been totally consensual - especially if the girl with the golden mouth was secret service just 'doing her job' to catch this zionist puke.

Once she cries 'wolf', has the semen stain on her work clothes - DSK is done like dinner. How will he ever prove it was consensual and he was set up? He can't. He is defacto removed for whatever reasons he was in the way.

Who and why was the 'honey-trap' set up? Someone closer to Rothschild and company than DSK at the present. Was it Rockefeller? Clearly someone was treading on someone else's (economic) feet, about to cost them alot of money. What is the JPMorgan replacement going to do differently than DSK was planning to do?

Geithner recently was labelled as alienating the Chinese. Timmy also recently kiboshed an IMF bailout plan to the Irish banks through the European Central Bank. Through that IMF plan the private billionaire shareholders (mostly US?) were about to get a multi million dollar haircut.

Geithner axed this plan in the 11th hour, putting the people of Irland back on the hook for the private shareholders' loses. The billionaire shareholders refused to get a haircut by DSK.

Was it Geithner who set up Khan in the 'honey-trap'?. As Visible has already said, they are now eating each other as the apocalypse shifts into second gear.

It could be Khan thought private (mostly US?) shareholders should lose the value of the Irish default, while Geithner thought differently.

The placement of a JPMorgan man to head the IMF signals greater attendance to the US shareholder concerns. JPMorgan is said to be the largest private shareholder in the Federal Reserve.

Might indeed be a case of which billionaires shall lose money over Irland's debt default. Maybe DSK decided a solution where it would be American billionaire shareholders - while Geithner, under pressure from these same (US?) billionaire shareholders said "no way".

That Khan was ousted indicates it was sanctioned at the highest level by godfather Rothschild himself - because DSK was his lacky as the head of his IMF. Otherwise Timmy Geithner would be the one 'sleeping with the fishes' since Dominique Strauss-Khan is already a known maid man (grin).

Stay tuned sports fans, the wide, wide world of zionism is getting more and more whacky as the ponzi scheme of fractional-reserve-usury banking implodes due to the current lack of economic expansion which is crucial to sustain a system where more money is always owed than exists.

Yes, Rothschild has set up a criminal ponzi scheme of debt slavery for us all - DSK's arrest will unfortunately not bring the system down.


P.S. Wonder if golden-mouth will keep her dress as a souvenir for years to come the way Monica did?
May 19, 2011 at 12:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterMouser
Mouser, you might want to read this.



She may or may not know this, but women like her who have reported such incidents to the police have been detained and deported. María Bolaños called the police to report a case of domestic violence. When the police showed up at her house, they arrested her on the suspicion that she was selling phone cards. She now faces deportation.

This cooperation between criminal and immigration law enforcement is part of the Secure Communities Program. Since it began in 2008, Secure Communities has led to the deportation of 101,741 immigrants. About a quarter of those deported (26,473) had been convicted of serious crimes. More (29,296), however, had not been convicted of any crimes at all prior to being deported. Instead, they had an encounter with police officers that did not lead to any criminal conviction. This is similar to the encounter that this Guinean immigrant is having with law enforcement agents. Reporting a crime requires contacting law enforcement.

The woman who Strauss-Kahn allegedly attacked will now face public scrutiny. If her immigration status comes into question, she could face deportation.....
May 19, 2011 at 1:30 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn

Either that; or he is a despicable pig. One who has repeatedly been guilty of being a sexual predator.

But then again, the sky was a checkerboard tonight...
May 19, 2011 at 10:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterOberon4life
That guy in the dress is very muscular. Is that Reggie Love?
May 19, 2011 at 11:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterPatriot Games the Party Tribalist

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