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MADRID AWAKENS: Aerial View Of Spanish Youth Protesting 21% Unemployment

Spain's 21.3% unemployment rate is the highest in the EU - a record 4.9 million are jobless, many of them young people.

Spanish media say the protesters are attacking the country's political establishment with slogans such as "violence is earning 600 euros", "if you don't let us dream we won't let you sleep" and "the guilty ones should pay for the crisis".

The global banking elite has another problem... 



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Meeting participants agreed on several principles that would guide the Committee's strategy for normalizing monetary policy. First, with regard to the normalization of the stance of monetary policy, the pace and sequencing of the policy steps would be driven by the Committee's monetary policy objectives for maximum employment and price stability. Participants noted that the Committee's decision to discuss the appropriate strategy for normalizing the stance of policy at the current meeting did not mean that the move toward such normalization would necessarily begin soon. Second, to normalize the conduct of monetary policy, it was agreed that the size of the SOMA's securities portfolio would be reduced over the intermediate term to a level consistent with the implementation of monetary policy through the management of the federal funds rate rather than through variation in the size or composition of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet. Third, over the intermediate term, the exit strategy would involve returning the SOMA to holding essentially only Treasury securities in order to minimize the extent to which the Federal Reserve portfolio might affect the allocation of credit across sectors of the economy. Such a shift was seen as requiring sales of agency securities at some point. And fourth, asset sales would be implemented within a framework that had been communicated to the public in advance, and at a pace that potentially could be adjusted in response to changes in economic or financial conditions.
May 18, 2011 at 3:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterPatriot Games the Party Tribalist
The time has come.
Somos Legión!
May 18, 2011 at 7:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterRoy
Catholic Mystics talk about a world revolution soom coming. When the chaos, anarchy, and debauchery are at there height, Russia attacks western Europe, but before that we have this world revolution of unparalleled violence and intensity.
The dance (revolution) starts in Germany and spreads to Italy, Spain and France, and England pay's the piper ( In England the revolution is the most violent ) We are very near this world revolution that is intended, by the way, by the powers of Oraganized Naturalism, Judeo-Freemasonry; however, the Mystics say that although over 3/4 of Europe will die in this conflagration, this unprecedented world revolution, but in the end good will triump. When all seens lost, when it appears both the world and the Church are finished, in the eleventh hour, then God will intervene. In the mean time God lets our enemies punish us. Catholic Europe opened the doors to abortion, homosexuality, pornography, contraception, and last of all apostasy, the abandonment of the faith by both the hierarchy and the members of the Church. God will not be mocked.
May 18, 2011 at 10:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterRobert
robert...that is a twisted interpretation and analysis...good luck with that...
May 18, 2011 at 10:59 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
viva espana!...yo vivi en granada durante 1986-87...estudiaba y vivia en el colegio mayor isabel la catolica...las chicas mas guapas del mundo estan en el sur de espana... por seguro...
May 18, 2011 at 11:02 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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