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Yes, That's A Banker Hanging From A Phone Line Along I-95

Miami New Times

But no, it is not real.

For the past week, graffiti artist Above has been working on a giant, attention-grabbing mural in Wynwood next to the I-95 northbound lanes as part of Primary Flight.

It reads in block letters: "Give a Wall Street banker enough rope and he will hang himself."

Today the artist added the cherry on top: a mannequin, dressed as a banker with a sack over his head, swinging from a noose.

We asked Above to send us a photo as soon as the suicidal fat cat was hung. We're guessing there'll be some 911 calls from the highway and some municipal employee will be climbing a ladder with scissors sometime this afternoon.

More photos are here...



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Reader Comments (2)

Artists might want to consider a "March of the Zombie Banks" in various cities.
Oct 26, 2011 at 1:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterJohn Mack
I was having a bad day today. But I feel much better now......?
Oct 26, 2011 at 7:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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