Yes, That's A Banker Hanging From A Phone Line Along I-95
Oct 26, 2011 at 11:54 AM
DailyBail in Wall Street Bailout, Wall Street Protests, art. occupy miami, banker hanging, photo, wall street

Miami New Times

But no, it is not real.

For the past week, graffiti artist Above has been working on a giant, attention-grabbing mural in Wynwood next to the I-95 northbound lanes as part of Primary Flight.

It reads in block letters: "Give a Wall Street banker enough rope and he will hang himself."

Today the artist added the cherry on top: a mannequin, dressed as a banker with a sack over his head, swinging from a noose.

We asked Above to send us a photo as soon as the suicidal fat cat was hung. We're guessing there'll be some 911 calls from the highway and some municipal employee will be climbing a ladder with scissors sometime this afternoon.

More photos are here...



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