The Daily Bail Makes The Show
Remember what we said about our traffic last week. Forget it. Old news. The details on our new traffic records are inside. It was a blowout.
First a caveat: I am posting these figures only so readers know they are not wasting their time or energy here. We are not boasting; we are humbled and thankful. Our one request would be that a few more of you take a moment to leave a comment on our stories. It can feel like a ghost town in the comments sections sometimes. So if you are a regular reader who never posts, give us a shout out in comments. Otherwise, I'm quitting and letting AB, James, Spidey, Polish, and Sell Short run the site. Now the numbers.
Yah. You guys rock. When your site goes from 3,000 unique readers per day to 39,000 per day (numbers below), it can be a bit overwhelming. We are extremely appreciative but fortunately not speechless. Keep it coming. Keep emailing our stories. Keep telling your friends about us. We are gaining momentum against the banking and political oligarchy. We will continue to spotlight the abuse of power and the public trust as we expose the captured financial corruption of our political leaders. And we will post the details front and center every single day. It's a promise.
Inside we have about 15 of the best Cubs photos I could find (mostly of fans at Wrigley), a couple of clips from Animal House and all the traffic details.
And if you are still searching for the Cubs angle, it's about hope. The Cubs never win a World Series (I have HCV, Human Cubby Virus) yet the fans don't give up and only stop believing occasionally in August when things are dire, and even then they still show up for a good party. Slightly pessimistic but hopeful for tomorrow. That is sorta how I feel. But, damnit, one day we are going to wrestle it back from the corrupt.
Happy Friday.
"Thank you sir, may I have another" from Animal House comes to mind.
Animal House theatrical trailer (2:43). Watch both clips. You'll be glad you did.
Monday's traffic numbers from Google Analytics (June 8).
Tuesday June 9
Wednesday June 10
Thursday June 11 numbers
Totals from Google Analytics for June 1st thru June 11th (yesterday)
Monthly traffic numbers from our Squarespace metric. These numbers are slightly smaller than those from Google Analytics. Not sure why they are different. And these do not include any page views from our now 1500 daily RSS readers as we publish a complete, non-truncated feed.
Lastly for a bit of perspective, I saw Mish's speech the other day about his traffic averaging 1.5 million page views per month, and that those numbers made his site the #1 financial blog on the web (he must not have been including Clusterstock of course which does a substantial compnent of BusinessInsider's total of 7 million page views monthly.) We are on pace to host approximately 1 million page views this month with close to 400,000 pages served in the first 11 days of June. Thanks to everyone for everything you have done to help spread the word. There is so much left to do (getting Ron Paul's HR 1207 out of committee is the next step).
We need your help more than ever. This is your battle. And it sure as hell isn't over.
Reader Comments (29)
Where is the celebration over the Lakers victory last night? I know you hate the lakers but you have to admit...that was a great game last night. Go Lakers! Go DailyBail!
As Carville and Clinton would have said "it's the bailouts, stupid" Incumbents will be in trouble on both sides in 2010.
You know I can't stand the Lakers, Fakers, Slackers or Lackers.
Call them what you will.
PS- Anthony@pacific is in Jail. Mr. Pink runs a large event driven hedge fund. I hope you knew that.
What is the name of it?
Anthony was a crook and deserves to be in jail. And Mr. Pink was a very popular poster on SI, and other than that I know absolutely nothing about either of them. I have no idea what your point is.
But for what it's worth, Mish has existed for about 40 months (or maybe longer) and we have been around for less than 5 months.
I do not appear on the radio weekly to promote my website as Mish does and nor do I operate a board on SI to promote my site as Mish does.
And unlike Mish who is a computer programmer who knew nothing about the markets until 2002 as he says in his speech, I have worked in and around the markets for 19 years.
Now I do not say this to disparage him in any way. He is a smart guy with a sharp point of view. But he is not special among financial bloggers in any way except for his publicity. He gets a lot. We get practically zilch.
So, I would say we are doing exceptionally well for a newcomer. But feel free to flame away. It's cold in here. We could use the heat.
Apples to apples, our traffic is extremely strong for an established site, let alone a brand new one.
We are also a very different site from Mish, Calculated Risk and Naked Capitalism. CR is tilted heavily toward economists. Wonkish posts with lots of graphs. While I enjoy it, economics is a dismal science. Way too fucking much theory and the problem is the data is not reliable. Who believes the monthly job numbers for example? What about CPI and PPI that are useless 30 year old indicators. I could write chapters on the problems with economic data collection, which in a pessimistic sense, makes the entire science worthless since it relies on these data sets for theory extrapolation.
So, we are not like any of those other blogs. We are closest to Clusterstock and Dealbreaker though different from both of them as well. Clusterstock is the King. They do about 7 million page views per month when counting all of their 4 properties (Business Insider properties) but Henry has a staff of 15 or so. And dealbreaker is focused on hedge funds and they have staff of 4 writers i believe. And I'm pretty sure we have better numbers.
Ultimately, the potential market is larger for us than for any of these other blogs, except Clusterstock-Business Insider of course. I get emails from high school kids all the way up to retired seniors worried about the country they are leaving to their grandchildren. I try not to make things too complex financially and that helps make us accessible to a non-finance crowd I hope.
We are going to do a blitz in the fall with some of the larger universities and we hope to expand our audience with this group. And I seriously doubt that the blogs I've mentioned above will ever appeal to average college kids.
We'll be using our Cubs tickets tomorrow to throw a few brewski's back for the Cubs, The Daily Bail, for taxpayers taking on the banking and political oligarchy.
Thanks for the great content and concise wit that we read daily. Here's to the Daily Bail, and a Cubs win!
Always around but never post. You da man.
Congratulations DB.
Well played, Spidey. Well played indeed.
We shall see if the traffic figures remain constant, head higher or recede a bit in the next few weeks.
But we're pretty damn happy with 39k uniques per day from last week. Yowza.