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Ralph Nader Explains Why He Could Never Vote For Hillary


The money clip from last night's Hardball with Chris Matthews. Nader says his conscience won't allow him to vote for Hillary Clinton.



Ralph Nader discusses Bernie Sanders and the Democratic race.



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Reader Comments (6)

Poor Ralph.
Time and the degree of corruption have passed him by..
May 19, 2016 at 9:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterL Garou
I'm beginning to realize it doesn't matter who I vote for. The elite puppet winner is picked long before the general election. If somehow a real supporter of the general population should win, both parties will drown his butt in that corrupt septic tank called the U.S. Congress. If he's a real good swimmer he'll have an accident or worse and the elite approved vice-puppet moves into the Oval Office.


(“The result of the political system being hijacked by the economic elite has been near unanimous support for pro-wealthy, pro-business policies, like TPP. As the rich use these policies to become richer and more politically powerful, our democracy is being replaced by plutocracy.”
So corrupt is the system and so pervasive the infection of bankster and corporate interest, state run and managed elections are incapable of preventing the rot and stopping the slide into a full-blown “public-private” (a euphemism for corporatism or fascism) police state.
Even if declared socialist radical Bernie Sanders won the election or political outlier Donald Trump managed to overcome the efforts of the elite to prevent him from entering the White House, there are 535 collaborators (give or take a handful of brave souls) in Congress bought and sold by the corporate elite. There is a massive and well-entrenched federal, state and local government bureaucracy providing millions of jobs and doling out trillions of dollars to people who will vote for the plutocracy’s frontmen. Sincere change is virtually impossible using a rigged political system. Increasingly, political activity outside of that corrupt system is deemed criminal behavior.)

The corruption in government and business in the USA is flushing our social progress down the toilet.

May 20, 2016 at 2:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush

It's the money. We have to get it out of politics but there is absolutely no move to do so currently and no real momentum in that direction. So I don't see it changing in my lifetime. I'm becoming a cynic.
May 21, 2016 at 3:41 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
There were several articles on this subject matter on CSPAN this week. Ill try to link to them later. It was a good discussion and they had a couple of guys from both parties speaking to this subject. They talk about the amount of time they spend on calling donors and how little time they spend working on legislation. There is a bill pending I believe to at least address this problem somewhat and there is movement afoot to try to curb this behavior. They have been met with some derision from some of the inner workings. Oh and Nancy Pelosi is an absolute abhorrent fucking pig that if her legs were cut off and she had to get around and ooze from her gash, the only thing needed to do away with her is a container of Morton's salt. It would be great fun and cheap to.
May 21, 2016 at 6:59 AM | Unregistered Commenterskinflint
Dear god, that pelosi bit at the end. Your descriptions are so vivid sometime they cause me to hurl a bit inside.
May 22, 2016 at 11:02 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Discussion on fund raising for the Trumpster.
I think the discussion about the fund raising activities of both parties are in this section.
Joe Biden kissing his own ass. I don't know how he does it, but, apparently it's doable.
These clips are long and arduous, I know, but I have time to listen as I'm making my way around that seventh circle of hell known as 495. Sometimes these guys say shit that is just unreal. Have a good day everyone. Stay safe and I wish it would quit raining here for the love of God. I'm pretty certain my well is full and I can just ladle my water off the top of that steel pipe that is sticking out of the ground.
May 23, 2016 at 5:09 AM | Unregistered Commenterskinflint

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