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New Rasmussen Poll: Trump 42% Clinton 37%


Morning Joe's Mika talks about Trump's lead in a national Fox News poll, and the Rasmussen poll results are below.


From Rasmussen

Donald Trump has now grown his lead over Hillary Clinton in Rasmussen Reports’ first weekly White House Watch survey. Trump earns 42% support to Clinton’s 37% when Likely U.S. Voters are asked whom they would vote for if the presidential election were held today.

To see survey question wording, click here.

At the beginning of this month, Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, posted a statistically insignificant 41% to 39% lead over Clinton who is still expected to win the Democratic presidential nomination. Fifteen percent (15%) favored someone else, and five percent (5%) were undecided.

Continue reading at Rasmussen...

Fox News poll details are here...



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Reader Comments (2)

I polled 500 people and 100% of them agreed that there is to much gun control in the US of A. The poll was taken at a gun show. This tells you that the polls can be rigged.
May 21, 2016 at 9:57 AM | Unregistered CommenterDarkwing

Bringing Muslims into our nation would be the single inexcusable mistake in our countries history. Our elected officials will bend to their will, first through courteous accommodation and then fact not speaking English, that they are unable to work and yet will be another cost to Social Services. Then through demands for equal opportunity and equality, and then candidly Congress will be fearful not to give them everything they want because, bluntly, we will be afraid of what will happen if it's not given? Bad laws that Obama has forced on the majority of the people as "open Borders" can be rescinded. Bad taxes, the illegal alien invasion, and bad trade policies can be rewritten. Bad immigration law cannot.

Let us think for a minute, that we have millions of people out of work, then other who think "Work" is a dirty word. Don't we already have our share of Spongers, who would rather live of other peoples Taxes? My ex-spouse has three "Freeloaders" who live off the state, who smoke pot all day and play video games. Even Democrats should realize we are heading for disaster when we keep spending money to accommodate illegal aliens or refugees that likely carry a host of diseases?

Donald Trump is the only candidate for president who has talked about stopping, even if only temporarily, Muslim immigration to America. We cannot afford the outcome, whether it's the giant cost, the complete indifference to the US Constitution. Build them a safe haven around Syria, with their welfare and adversity to Western civilization can be held in check. Bring in the United Nations paramilitary to handle their safety, until the ISIS butchers are obliterated.

What the Liberal Mainstream press doesn't communicate to the Average American about countries in the European Union; France, the British Islands, Belgium, Germany who have originally committed themselves to taking in these refugees. Britain has got to the point of exiting from the EU, as the the influx of immigrants has become to overwhelming with another 800.000 on the way and most are welfare recipients. In Europe today Muslims have isolated communities, where the police are fearful to go. They have no wish to assimilate, and out-of-sight indulge in "Sharia" law. The men treat their women as slaves, and sell young female children to older men.

These people do not identify Western history, but still go by medieval laws of public executions of decapitation, slicing of a hand. The general public of America never learns about the atrocities committed by ISIS; Christian children nailed to a cross; a crucifix, hammered into their heads. Tiny babies smashed into the ground. America can do without this situation, as we have a mass of problems. Next year we are looking at a 2.2 Trillion deficit, that Speaker Paul Ryan let pass in the Omnibus Budget last year, which gave King Obama everything he wanted.

More welfare funds for illegal aliens, the first Ten Thousand Syrian Refugees, a failing Obamacare and even more cash for Environmental Protection agency that is destroying small businesses and the global warming hoax. The fury of the American will not be quenched, if violence on Americans is caused by the infiltrated animals of ISIS. He will not only be hit with the outrage of citizens, but Madam Hillary and Bill Clinton, ancient Harry Reid and the whole retinue, trying to balkanize our country, our traditions, values and the comprehension of the Rule of Law, that Obama has ignored.

For me I just brought a gun, to protect my family. Americans are furious in the debate about gun control and the survival of the 2nd amendment and over my dead body will they take this Constitutional right. After the bloody massacre in San Bernardino, California and the rising death toll around the world from Islamic killers, we must not lower our guard because the border invaders are unrestrained; Visa Overstays and we should be ever ready when they attack again with our own return fire. Its obvious lives would have been saved in California and Paris, France?


A Pakistani man with a fake passport and residence card from two different South American countries has been caught entering the U.S. illegally through Mexico and federal court documents reveal he has previously crossed into the country undetected by immigration authorities. The distressing case comes less than a month after Judicial Watch reported that an ISIS operative who trained terrorists in Pakistan travels back and forth through the porous southern border from a camp in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso, Texas. His name is Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, a Kuwaiti who trained hundreds of Al Qaeda fighters in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Yemen, according to JW’s high-ranking Homeland Security sources.
May 21, 2016 at 12:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterDave Francis

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