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Pick Up The Phone And Call Corrupt Iowa AG Tom Miller

Video - Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller before becoming captured.

  • "We will put people in jail..."

Anyone else in the mood to tie up the phone lines for a corrupt public official owned by the banks.  It's the least we can do.

Attorney General Tom Miller
1305 E. Walnut Street
Des Moines IA 50319
Phone: 515-281-5164
Fax: 515-281-4209 



 Decision to remove NY AG from foreclosure group was politically motivated



John O'Brien MA Registry of Deeds: AG Tom Miller Should Step Down



Also take a moment to send thanks and encouragement to Eric Schneiderman & his staff who are aggressively investigating fraudclosure and felony land record fraud.

Remember that he is an elected official who is actually representing the people who elected him instead of the financial institutions!  A rarity indeed who must be thanked and encouraged.

Contact info below...

NY AG Contact Info



Press Office





Background reading:



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Reader Comments (24)

Today has been a very bad day for the Fraudsters...I called scumbag Millers office today and laid into the broad for 5 minutes straight. She didn't say a damn word except "thanks".

Now this: Rogue Foreclosure Mill Harmon Law at it again. (pdf files at Hamlet link)

This time the wild and crazy bunch attempts to defy an Order to Stay by a Federal Judge. (Attempt to continue evictions despite the Order...lol.

Aug 25, 2011 at 4:34 PM | Unregistered Commenterchunga
Nice work Chunga. I called a few hours ago as well after you posted the contact info.
Aug 25, 2011 at 5:07 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Too funny. The girl I talked to sounded shell-shocked. I've got to jump on PACER for some filings. This Babcock is going to foreclose on Harmon Law one of these days...lol.
Aug 25, 2011 at 5:22 PM | Unregistered Commenterchunga
Not a bad idea! Not a bad idea at all!! What are they going to do? What an idiot!!!!! They are CLOSING JAILS YOU IGNORAMUSES!!! They can't afford to keep real criminals in there let alone a phone call of protest?????

This where a problem could bubble to big for one ignorant comment made by someone who has apparently no business being there to begin with.

We should should just continuously call, F- IT! Record the damned thing sense were going to jail anyway according to Dr. What tha?????? and just calmly continue to insult their every sensibility by farting into the phone and excusing yourself but continue to be concerned enough to keep them on the phone until their ears bleed.

Sorry guy's for the stupid rant but this is just..... I don't have words to describe. After I vomit I'm going to pray for peace and start again. God please give me the strength,wisdom and focus.
Aug 25, 2011 at 5:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterDave
I know what you're going through with BofA with your home, Dave. I understand your frustration.
Aug 25, 2011 at 10:25 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Thieves is all the banksters are

The 50 AG Contact list is here http://consumerfraudreporting.org/stateattorneygenerallist.php

Stand up and make your voice heard.
Aug 25, 2011 at 11:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterMers Fraud
Keep your chin up Dave. You are NOT alone and we'll stick with you.

They are financial predators, and we -- everybody whose net worth is less than eight figures -- are their prey. Since they can't literally eat us alive instead they eat our money, our livelihood, our hopes, and our dreams.

While this group isn't exclusively bankers, and all bankers don't fit into this category, predators seem to be more common in consumer banking than elsewhere. Thanks to a combination of corruption, ignorance, and incompetence, their supporters have done a great job keeping them alive.

The US is in a dark place, where the absolutely most reckless, irresponsible bankers -- who made the most reckless, irresponsible decisions -- are receiving massive government subsidies. The price tag will be picked up by future generations.

That is, we are collectively putting our children into deep hoc lest bankers suffer the sting of a firm slap by the invisible hand, all the while whining that the free market continues to function.

Bankers, along with their supporters in government, tried to portray the interests of Wall St. and Main St. aligned. They aren't. There hasn't been a "class war" from the middle class towards the rich, but there's been a ferocious one the other direction.

They're fighting you. It's not because they don't like you -- some are crazed sociopaths, but most aren't .. it's just a game to them. They're playing to win; you don't even know the game is on, much less the rules.

Take heart. Slowly but surely Main St. is fighting back. They have the money but we have the numbers. Let the poem below give you strength.

Be Strong

Be strong!
We are not here to play, to dream, to drift;
We have hard work to do, and loads to lift;
Shun not the struggle--face it; 'tis God's gift.

Be strong!
Say not, "The days are evil. Who's to blame?"
And fold the hands and acquiesce--oh shame!
Stand up, speak out, and bravely, in God's name.

Be strong!
It matters not how deep intrenched the wrong,
How hard the battle goes, the day how long;
Faint not--fight on! To-morrow comes the song.
Aug 26, 2011 at 8:48 AM | Unregistered Commenterchunga
Thanks guys! I'm better now. ; D

Great poem chunga!

I went looking for some uh...hope..... yesterday. I did find of all places on a Ron Paul FB site I visit through my wife's FB page. I found this quote posted like. The daily dose of common sense, or something like that. it goes.

Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to what ever is dedicated to it.
~Thomas Pain~

With that said, onward and hope everyone has a great day to go with. Thanks as always.
Aug 26, 2011 at 1:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterDave
Dave, they can get us down, but they cant take our Sprit. I said that after I stoped beatting my self up for letting everyone down. The "Tick Bite" got Dar, not the crew,,,,,,,,

I've been on Wellfare 3 times. Worked for the city to pay it back till i found a new job.....Shoveled fire hidrents, and sidewalks off for Weyeowega, Sconsin.......They thought I was nuts.....

Nobody told me to do it. Worked 8hr. for 5 days a week, till i got back to work. I found pleanty to do in the winter time. Its not what you get, its what you give back.

Dont give up Dave. Go out and do something for somebody else when the best gets to ya......It will ease the mind games we play with our self's....................

If you let it get you down............................................."They Win" !
Aug 28, 2011 at 12:01 AM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Tick Bite - Tex, did you get Lyme Disease? None of my business but a family member had that pretty bad. There are ways to beat it. Very nasty that Lyme Disease.
Aug 28, 2011 at 8:40 AM | Unregistered Commenterchunga
chunga ...........

Yea, in 1993 it took me down. I layed off 10 people, parked my tour bus n WellsCargo trailer and try and find out what the Fu*k is going on with me..........

I couldent do it any more..... We sold our house n moved to the "Branson" area to put the show back to geather again.......... T hat dident work out so well, i got bit again by a Tick.........

You can get 23 differant diseases from a tick bite........ i have "Lyme", and 5 more Disease's in me..........It Took Me Down......?

I lost all of my dreams, and let everyone down but hey, it could happen to any one of us. Now im just Stay@Home Dar, google it.............and Pitching for Ron Paul, and put my little life on Hold............

You cant control the hand yr delth.......You can make the best of what life deals ya............!
Aug 30, 2011 at 11:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Borelia Burgdorferi (Lyme) is one nasty bug Tex. I had a close family member who suffered with it for years. Constant doses of ABX. I'm not a Dr. but I'm of the belief that BB is pleomorphic, meaning it can change shapes. When your bloodstream becomes a hostile environment for the bacteria (due to the anti-biotics) the bacteria changes to cyst form and hides behind inflammation.

And you're quite right...ticks are vectors for a wide variety of "co-infections" that all need to be addressed. I learned a lot from the link below: (great community and free)


After a lot of research I decided to try the "coordinative resonanse" route and it seemed to work quite well. Many years ABX free and feeling fine. If you are interested look up Dr. Royal Rife. He was a Doctor in the thirties that experimented with electronic "bombardment" of pathogens. The same way an opera singer can hit a frequency and shatter a glass (but nothing else) Rife did this with bacteria. Expose it to the correct frequency (Mortal Oscillation Rate) and it takes on a shape it cannot be in, thereby de-vitalizing it. (Very popular in Europe but not around here...not expensive enough I guess)

It takes a lot of study but it worked for us. I have a good understanding of electrical theory and built my own frequency instrument. Ticks are BAD NEWS.
Aug 31, 2011 at 8:59 AM | Unregistered Commenterchunga
You will find my piece on Lymenet, or just google........ Dars Toy Story ...... I pened that i guess 4 years ago. I still get e-mails from around the world thanking me for putting it in words people can understand what people like me are going threw.

And i have been useing my Rife Unit everyday now for 18mo. now. we have 2 of them. It made a big differance in Dar. My good friend Neil, has seen a magor differance in me after 2mo. using it. Ann's is brand new and has no time to use it. $300. .....$425.00 new.

She was going to use it at work, but was fired from middle Mang. in July. She now useing my unit. Im up to 6.9 volts. My fingers tingle 24/7 at that much.

Untill ya understand what this disease is all about, and how Rife is yr only hope along with a "Clove of Raw Garlic' a day or 2 is all that will help you after the ABX's stop. I waited to long to get help...........? Husbands just Dont Listen..............!

Yes, you are sooooooooooooooo, right. After its to late to get it with 8-10 weeks of Doxy, or Zithromax, it turns into a "Supper Bug".......My little brain says, it can go from a "Puppie".........."Catterpiller"........."Buttterfly"......when you try to kill the butterfly, it just changes back to one of the other ones, and vica-verca.

If i take a pill to kill the "Vodcka" it turns into "Wiskie".......take a pill to kill the Wiskie, it turns into " Ginger Brandy".........Guess what, this was all done by the goverment.... Just google Lab-227, the goverment let lose the bug in Lyme Con. and its spread world wide from there.

Its the pork chop shape Island off the Hanptons........Lyme, like Aids, was let lose by our goverment. Reamber Ligions Airs Disease in Chagio back in the 70's. Its new name is "AIDS"..........lYME IS JUST THE CATCH ALL NAME FOR 23 DIFFERANT Disease you can get from a tick bite.........

Guess What........if a Skerdder was to bite me, then bite you, you have a 85% chance of getting what Dar has. Its done by Blood Exchance, or transfer. Many have it or one of them, and have NO Clue what is wrong with them..................Scarry, Ha ?
Sep 2, 2011 at 12:05 AM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Plum Island, that is the other name of the goverment "La-Bor-a-Tory"........Its where all the Creepy Vaccines come from trying to kill as many of us as they can.......
Sep 2, 2011 at 12:18 AM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Wow Tex! We started with a contact unit (the model before the GB4000) until I built a "Doug Coil". It's still in my closet and is no longer used. I never made a cap array - I just measured all my capacitors for variance and would arrange them as necessary for the different coils I made. It is a very "reactive" device - but guess what? It worked. My schematic with the resistor set is still flopping around the Internet somewhere...lol. I was going to build a plasma tube device but it wasn't necessary. My better half is a medical person and was very skeptical. She thought I was crazy when I told her I would build her a machine that would cure her. Not anymore.

Royal Rife was a genious. Brilliant mechanical, electrical and optical engineer, and oh yeah, brilliant bacteriologist.
Sep 2, 2011 at 8:03 AM | Unregistered Commenterchunga
Here is the unit we have. Its the $400. unit. Would sell Anns brand new one for $300. The plasma tube device works better on Cancer as its the Wave Length goes right threw yr body. But the new ones use Square Wave AC to force it threw your body. Both work great. http://www.pachealthonline.com/products.htm

I can neaver cure me, but i can stay ahead of it now. You can only Kill the live Spirole-Keets. They lay eggs al over your body, and you try and kill as many as you can each time the eggs hatch out. It takes 1 million of them head to tail, to make one inch, thats how small these little buggers are.

And folks, its not just the "Deer Tick"......any tick can carry the diseases. Not all ticks cary it too.........NEAVER pull a tick off of you, you squeese its guts into you and you get Lyme. If hes on you long enough he spits it in you. Take a Good pair of twisers and pinch just in front of his head and slowly pull back.

Yes, you may get a bit of your skin, but you dont want him pukeing his guts into you, or you be like Dar if you dont get to the Dr. right away.

I did my last live show in July og 1993. It all seems like just a dream today. I could Taste Sucess and in 2mo. I couldent barely get out of bed. It comes on that fast.

Sep 2, 2011 at 3:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
But I am now convinced that, at least in my neck of the woods (northeastern Pennsylvania), Lyme is easy to get and hard to treat!

What changed my mind? Personal experience. A family member began to suffer a wide variety of strange symptoms 12 years ago, including facial numbness, slurred speech, problems with balance, abdominal pain, and headache.

Sep 6, 2011 at 3:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
CDC Warning: Babesiosis From Tick Parasite Threatening U.S. Blood Supply


Anyone in your area with a "Doug Coil"? They are much more powerful than a contact device.
Sep 7, 2011 at 12:26 PM | Unregistered Commenterchunga
Anyone in your area with a "Doug Coil"? They are much more powerful than a contact device.

Not that I know of, Sir. I havent heard about that unit....
Sep 7, 2011 at 5:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Here are some links that I hope will enlighten some like myself to how the law works, what's going on and perhaps a resolution to the anyone dealing with foreclosure.


Quiet Title Actions This is a video description of how a quiet title action works, how a quiet title action is filed in judicial vs. non-judicial foreclosure states.   The quiet title action information set forth in this video is meant for attorney and non-attorney alike.   It is not legal advice.      If you have questions related to this quiet title action video, please see the contact information below the video.  


LFA Sec Audit Video Part 1 & 2
Sep 8, 2011 at 12:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterDave
Hi Tex and Dave,

Nice links Dave...keep digging man! Tex...I was "chunga" on Lymenet. I think you can do a search on my username. After 10,000 pages of study the Coil machine is what we went with. We should probably take this Lyme talk off Daily Bail before DB takes away our posting privileges...lol. I'd put up my email but I'm trying to keep it under 400/day! A good portion of which are specials on viagra and secret nigerian investors...
Sep 8, 2011 at 1:11 PM | Unregistered Commenterchunga
I think that DB enjoys us talking about Lyme and how so many have it and dont know it. Just think of the people that read what we have talked about and said, I Neaver Knew That.......? Then there friend that is going threw the same thing and say, where did you hear that, on the "Daily Bail".......

2 guys are talking about Lyme and how bad it is and how to cure it, if its not to late.......Just think of the service were doing by getting the word out...People need to know it was planted by the goverment and how to treat it if your loved one has it.....

Many have found found Dars Toy Story, about what its like living with a chronic illness threw the Daily Bail.... A great place to write a country music song from "The Daily Bail"..................

How I lost my home from B/A, and living in my Van with 2 kids and the dog. Then I lost my job at the mill and the bank took my Van. Living in a tent in my buddys back yard, and my wife moves in the his buddy next door. Bank says the goverment took all your money and I owe $12. for closeing my Acc.

Someone broak into your old house and busted the place up and B/A wants you to fix it.

DOW Plunges More Than 350 Points , there went the rest of my money, and Dr. Ron Paul managed to get several good points across in spite of the "news" media scumbags' and I just found out I have Lyme Disease..........

Tear In My Empty Beer Glas, I'll call it !
Sep 9, 2011 at 5:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
All points well taken Tex. People think I'm nuts when they come to my place (in the boonies) and I insist on spraying everyone with insect repellant and checking very carefully for ticks. If one person avoids contracting Lyme it's all worth it. :-)
Sep 9, 2011 at 6:01 PM | Unregistered Commenterchunga
I would tell the croud, No Guys, I want you to check your girl over real good. Every "Nook & Cranny" for them darn little buggers. You dont want your Sweety getting Lyme. Every night too............Twice a day mabe be better.

I know the ladys in the crowd knew whAre Dar was going with this................? Hey, who ever thought Tick Hunting would trun into For Play...?
Sep 10, 2011 at 4:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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