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Paulson and Greenspan on Deficits, Bankers, Bonuses and Bailouts (Complete Video From Meet The Press)

Video:  Meet The Press from this morning -- Henry Paulson, Alan Greenspan -- Complete broadcast -- February 7, 2010

I will be adding shorter, individual clips and links about the broadacast as I find them.  So keep checking this story.


James H

This is how screwed up our government is. First guest is John Brennan, National Security Tool, talking about terrorism (he has no idea why Al Qaeda wants to kill us or what to do about it).  Next guest is Financial Terrorist, Hank Paulson.  If you were trying to do something about terrorism, why not get started right there on the set?  David Gregory, meanwhile, doesn't have the first clue and another terrorist slips away, right under our noses.



(Just a screenshot...video is above)



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Reader Comments (2)

This is how screwed up our government is. First guest is John Brennan, National Security Tool, talking about terrorism (he has no idea why Al Qaeda wants to kill us or what to do about it). Next guest is Financial Terrorist, Hank Paulson. If you were trying to do something about terrorism, why not get started right there on the set? David Gregory, meanwhile, doesn't have the first clue and another terrorist slips away, right under our noses...
Feb 7, 2010 at 1:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
well-put...i added it...
Feb 7, 2010 at 2:39 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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