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Pelosi The Hypocrite (2003 Flashback): 'Where Are The Jobs Mr. President?'

Her words then under Bush, versus her silence now under Deficit Obankster.


Source:  House.gov

August 1, 2003

Washington, D.C. -- House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today on the Bureau of Labor Statistics' announcement that 470,000 people abandoned their job searches in July and that 3.2 million private sector jobs have been lost since President Bush took office:

“The fact is that President Bush’s misguided economic policies have failed to create jobs. Since President Bush took office, the country has lost 3.2 million jobs, the worst record since President Hoover. And today we learned that in July nearly half a million people gave up looking for a job.

“Job losses are taking a real toll on the financial security of American families. While Democrats are fighting for opportunity, jobs, and economic security for working families, Republicans continue to focus on helping those who need help the least.

“According to today’s survey, while the national unemployment rate dropped slightly, it still stands at a near record high. In addition, the unemployment rate for African Americans was still over 11 percent in July, and the unemployment rate for Hispanics was 8.2 percent in July.

“It is time for President Bush and the Republicans to get to work for all Americans, not just the elite few.”



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Reader Comments (2)

Looks like Obama just farted and Pelosi is enjoying the smell...
Feb 7, 2010 at 3:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Pelosi proves -once again- that she can fellate Obama without even needing to get her lips wet.
Feb 9, 2010 at 3:03 AM | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery

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