KEEPING TRACK: Federal Deficit For 2010 Hits $1 Trillion With 3 Months Left In Budget
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The federal deficit has topped $1 trillion with three months still to go in the budget year, showing the lasting impact of the recession on the government's finances.
In its monthly budget report, the Treasury Department said Tuesday that through the first nine months of this budget year, the deficit totals $1 trillion. That's down 7.6 percent from the $1.09 trillion deficit run up during the same period a year ago.
Worries about the size of the deficit have created political problems for the Obama administration. Congressional Republicans and moderate Democrats have blocked more spending on job creation and other efforts. Republicans also have held up legislation to extend unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless because of its effect on the deficit.
Another failed effort would have provided cash-starved states with money to help avoid layoff of public employees and finance the Medicaid program for the poor and disabled.
President Barack Obama also encountered resistance to further stimulus spending at a meeting of the Group of 20 major industrial nations last month in Toronto.
Reader Comments (18)
When I open this site, I see…
Howard Davidowitz???
REM - very left…politically like Sting or worse…
George Carlin – as left as they ever come
Ratigan – to the left to the left, everything he says in a box to the left
James Carville – no brainer…Hillary is back…not all bad
Bill Cosby – hmmmm, you guessed it
Barry Soetoro – Marx just rolled over…Barry looking like he is in charge of the media..
Barry again looking like he knows what he is doing with Biden beaming over the Chosen One
Barry again looking like a he is contemplating the future with his hand on his chin rather than his middle finger to the face
Some dude from the Federal Reserve nobody knows???
Al Gore – some credit for picking on the sex poodle
TO THE LEFT…majority by far
TO THE RIGHT…crickets
IN THE NEWS STUFF…a few tidbits
DB…This type of fair and balanced is getting boring, please see this as help. Isn’t the idea to reach people, maybe even the majority?
A Teaching Moment for Obama from Dubya...
Obama Vacation...All that business going to MAINE???
Davidowitz rocks...
I could give a shit about REM's politics...
George Carlin is not so easily pigeon-holed...he's hardly a leftist...he thinks global warming is crap...he was a fiscal conservative, liberal on social you're wrong there...
You're wrong about Ratigan as well...he's a libertarian...fiscal conservative, social liberal...yes he supported obama, but so did many independents who were put off by sarah...
The only thing Cosby is known for politically is attacking the welfare state and the condition of the black family...he was loved by the Republicans when he gave those speeches a few years ago...
And as i already explained i put up Carville so that others could enjoy watching him and georgie suffer doing a story about how the public has turned on the Democrats...
Most of these folks are against the wars as well...and to you that makes them leftist, but the GOP is the original non-interventionist party...Republicans have a history of wanting a strong military but not wanting to use it...and i'm speaking historically as a party...not the last 30 years...
I agree some of the content has been light, but that's because all the regular content is so's deep, depressing stuff and so i'm often compelled, perhaps mistakenly, to provide plenty of relief in the form of music and comedy...maybe it's not the right approach all the time...
that said, i appreciate that you think along those lines...of making the site relevant and boosting traffic etc...i do pretty well with the daily emails going out to 15k people every day so even though they don't visit the site, i get views from within the emails...and there is a core group of 4k readers who pretty much visit the site every day...before i try to make it bigger and reach the masses i have to improve the look of the looks so boring and plain that i almost don't want massive traffic coming to read my really needs an upgrade...and one of these days (soon hopefully) i'll get around to getting it done...
The Economic Collapse
The reality is that the U.S. economic system is broken, and there is simply not any “quick fix” that is available that is going to get things back to normal.
So on an individual level, what should we all do?
Well, we all need to start becoming a lot less dependent on the system.
We should all consider how we can start our own businesses, grow our own food and trade within our own communities.
If the entire system is starting to break down, it is those who are the least dependent on the system that will have the best chance to prosper during the times ahead.
JOBS JOBS: NO corporate thug will hire in USA and why?
They have to keep their scam stocks bubbled up to loot USA working class biweekly blood sweat 401k contribution: LOL
Oakland lays off 80 police officers
Suffer These Crimes in Oakland? Don't Call the Cops | NBC Bay Area
Central banking and militarism are intimately linked
by JANE JAMISON on JULY 7, 2010
Organized and intentional voter fraud is what we have suspected of the “community-organizer-in-chief” Barack Obama and now the proof. A very brave former employee who was working under Obama political appointees has quit his job and is spilling the truth to Fox News and Pajamas Media. Tea parties and Republican party organizations around the country should take note, clean up those voter rolls in every county and organize volunteers to monitor each and every polling place in this country.
Former Department of Justice attorney and now whistleblower J. Christian Adams keeps lobbing more “political grenades” at the Obama administration.
Adams has now testified under oath to the U.S. Civil Rights commission that the “motor voter” registration records will not be purged for ineligible voters (dead, illegal aliens) in time for the November 2010 election, per orders from the Obama adminstration.
for stuff like a car that was broken into. The good thing is we also have the castle law in Ohio so if a person
breaks in your house you can wack them.Pretty much everyone is armed.
Butt this is sad .If you notice the crimes they do not respond to do not provide income for the police.
At this rate, by the time they decide to DO SOMETHING about it Mobamba will be 97 years old. Oh, and the U.S. won't EXIST ANYMORE.
Middle Class Losing Health Insurance Faster Than The Rich Or Poor
Distinguished law scholar Elizabeth Warren teaches
The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class
Alert! China Dumping T-Bills in Real Time! USA Depression...
Bond market collapse time. Who has the liquidity to buy our debt?
The 'Great Recovery' Is a Big Fat D.U.D.D.
For whom?
For Big Govt, Big Money, Big Media? Absolutely not. It is not a great is a splendid boom. All is for the best in all possible worlds and every prospect pleases.
It is Nietzche's ideology fully realized: all animal, all the time; human beings have no souls; morality is bad; power is the only virtue; egoism is the very essence of nobility; there are no facts, only interpretations; and the masters MUST rule.
For real, ordinary, middle class Americans, of course it is true.
It HAS to be to enable this Nietzschean Regime to savor the everlasting boom it has created by itself and for itself.
Slaves MUST serve.
Have a Nice Weekend