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Complete Ron Paul Highlights - GOP Tea Party Debate

CNN Video - Republican Debate - Ron Paul's Full Responses - Sep. 12, 2011

More below including 'time of talking detail' for all candidates, individual response links.

Ron Paul's individual responses below, for quick linking:



From Dawn of the Weak:

Once again it was the Rick Perry & Mitt Romney show. Hogging up nearly 14 minutes and nearly 11 minutes respectively, the nearest talking time was Congresswoman Michele Bachmann with 8:35. Largely due to so many attacks on him, CNN gave no shortage of time to Rick Perry for response, and in many cases CNN actually initiated the back 'n forth. The case will probably be made that this was for the sake of continuing story-lines currently in the news cycle, but it is quite odd that in continuing news cycles that when the Federal Reserve is brought up for discussion that Santorum, Cain, Bachmann, Perry and Romney were all questioned, leaving out the one person in politics who is actually responsible for bringing the Federal Reserve out of the closet of secrecy.

Oddly, the feedback loop continues since the talk time was given to the perceived frontrunners which will likely result in showing their highlights and discussing how they dominated the debate while everyone else was strangely absent. Perhaps it is time for a more forum-oriented national discussion, maybe half in actual forum with extended time-allotments and the other half in direct debates. I, for one, would love an entire debate where the candidates moderate. Can't be worse than this.

Talking Time (mm:ss):
Perry 13:54
Mitt 10:56
Ron Paul 07:34
Bachmann 08:35
Newt 07:32
Herman 05:42
Santorum 07:06
Huntsman 07:50
Total 1:09:09

# Turns Talking:

Perry 18
Mitt 10
Ron Paul 7
Bachmann 8
Newt 5
Herman 6
Santorum 7
Huntsman 7

Avg Time Between Turns:
Perry 02:37
Mitt 04:40
Ron Paul 07:19
Bachmann 06:29
Newt 09:44
Herman 08:45
Santorum 06:30
Huntsman 07:19

More stats:


Assorted links:

Ron Paul Booed for Suggesting 9/11 was Caused by American Foreign Policy



Why Ron Paul scares Rick Perry



Debate Fact Check: Are Medicare and Medicaid 'paid to crooks?'



Live blog of CNN's first-ever Tea Party Republican Debate



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Reader Comments (14)

Ron Paul Booed for Suggesting 9/11 was Caused by American Foreign Policy

Sep 13, 2011 at 4:33 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Sep 13, 2011 at 4:55 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
What You Missed While Not Watching Last Night’s Tea Party Debate

TIME recaps every absurd minute of the GOP's prime-time food fight on CNN.

Sep 13, 2011 at 4:56 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Sep 13, 2011 at 4:57 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Sep 13, 2011 at 4:57 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I bet the morons booing RP have no idea what he is talking about re: 9/11. They are clouded by the mass bombardment of 9/11 BS, mostly by the mainstream media. We were not attacked because of our "free" society, our American way of life, as Santorum moronically suggests. That is complete BS and a subterfuge. We were attacked because of our foreign policy. Specifically, our policy to protect Isreal at all costs and to the detriment of the Palestinian people who, like the Jews, have inhabited that land for THOUSANDS of years. We were attacked because, in choosing to protect and subsidize Isreal, we effectively and de facto oppose a large portion of the muslim world who inhabit that Middle East. RP calls this occupation, but it is more than that. It's occupation with a purpose. Protect Isreal and, oh, by the way, help solidify our oil issues as well.

Would Isreal survive without US support and presence? Probably not. Isreal is surrounded and is greatly outnumbered by those who don't like them a whole lot. But, that's not our fight. It's their fight. And they should fight their fight and pay for it themselves. Isreal is not a colony of the USA, although if you listen to the powers and media, you would think it is, or should be...
Sep 13, 2011 at 5:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterJosie
VOTE for who you think won the debate by copy and pasting the following links into your browser:

Sep 13, 2011 at 5:03 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Well said Josie...
Sep 13, 2011 at 5:05 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Sorry for the dyslexia. I know the correct spelling is Israel...
Sep 13, 2011 at 5:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterJosie
Santorum is another GOP jihadist, a believer in the endless war exceptionalism that the nation had wearied of under Bush. How soon they forget, ready to re-enact the stupidy they recently regretted. And to further put the lie to patriotism, Bachmann openly proclaims we should do so in service to Israel. A vote for Ron Paul is a vote against continued militarism. Is it also a vote against corporate sponsorship of the presidency. It is a vote against letting the media make our choices for us. It is a vote against letting the Fed and others responsible for mayhem continue exploiting our economy. And it is a vote against the GOP rip van winkles who would forget their role in weakening this country.

Any other GOP candidate makes the election a choice between tweedle D and tweedle R.
Sep 13, 2011 at 6:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterG Street
look at the idiots booing!

their blindness and ignorance brings shame on them in the most obvious way. they are intellectually ignorant and incapable of critical thought.

A man stands before you giving you the unadulterated TRUTH and look at the response a total mental breakdown.


The truth hurts.
Sep 13, 2011 at 11:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterPaul
Sorry for the dyslexia. I know the correct spelling is Israel... @ Josie..............

You couldent of proved it by "Miss Spellin Dar"..........LoL ?

You can always tell the responces of the people who they get their info from. No matter Tea Party, Rep. Dem. Its all the same ol same ol.........The MSM are realy good at planting crap in peoples mind so they have a come back to us Real People that know the truth on whats goin on......

They stand out like a sore thumb...with thAre coments. And they dont know we know just by what they say......Thoes that are to Fu*king Lazy to do their own thinking and do th"A"re homework, only give us folk's that know the truth, "Free Entertainment"...........

What is free entertainment...?????? Watching someone Do, or Say something soooooooo Fuc*in Stupid, it makes yr side hurt from laughing....

Example: the property Mang. of our resort lives next door. Audery backs out of her driveway and drives 50' and parks in front of the clubhouse, in front of our cabin. At noon she backs up and drives 50' home to her driveway. Backs up and drives 50' to park in front of the clubhouse after dinner......Shes a Democrat from "Bossssston"...?
Sep 15, 2011 at 9:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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