Complete Ron Paul Highlights - GOP Tea Party Debate
Sep 13, 2011 at 4:31 PM
DailyBail in 2012 Election, 2012 election, gop debate, ron paul, ron paul, tea party debate

CNN Video - Republican Debate - Ron Paul's Full Responses - Sep. 12, 2011

More below including 'time of talking detail' for all candidates, individual response links.

Ron Paul's individual responses below, for quick linking:


From Dawn of the Weak:

Once again it was the Rick Perry & Mitt Romney show. Hogging up nearly 14 minutes and nearly 11 minutes respectively, the nearest talking time was Congresswoman Michele Bachmann with 8:35. Largely due to so many attacks on him, CNN gave no shortage of time to Rick Perry for response, and in many cases CNN actually initiated the back 'n forth. The case will probably be made that this was for the sake of continuing story-lines currently in the news cycle, but it is quite odd that in continuing news cycles that when the Federal Reserve is brought up for discussion that Santorum, Cain, Bachmann, Perry and Romney were all questioned, leaving out the one person in politics who is actually responsible for bringing the Federal Reserve out of the closet of secrecy.

Oddly, the feedback loop continues since the talk time was given to the perceived frontrunners which will likely result in showing their highlights and discussing how they dominated the debate while everyone else was strangely absent. Perhaps it is time for a more forum-oriented national discussion, maybe half in actual forum with extended time-allotments and the other half in direct debates. I, for one, would love an entire debate where the candidates moderate. Can't be worse than this.

Talking Time (mm:ss):
Perry 13:54
Mitt 10:56
Ron Paul 07:34
Bachmann 08:35
Newt 07:32
Herman 05:42
Santorum 07:06
Huntsman 07:50
Total 1:09:09

# Turns Talking:

Perry 18
Mitt 10
Ron Paul 7
Bachmann 8
Newt 5
Herman 6
Santorum 7
Huntsman 7

Avg Time Between Turns:
Perry 02:37
Mitt 04:40
Ron Paul 07:19
Bachmann 06:29
Newt 09:44
Herman 08:45
Santorum 06:30
Huntsman 07:19

More stats:


Assorted links:

Ron Paul Booed for Suggesting 9/11 was Caused by American Foreign Policy


Why Ron Paul scares Rick Perry


Debate Fact Check: Are Medicare and Medicaid 'paid to crooks?'


Live blog of CNN's first-ever Tea Party Republican Debate


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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