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COMEDY: "Honey, You Didn't Build That"

Because it’s important to destroy their confidence while they’re still young.

Relax, it's Friday.  And we believe in equal opportunity satire.  Romney's turn is coming.

Here's the Obama original...


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Reader Comments (8)

Sep 22, 2012 at 11:37 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
CHART - Inflation Adjusted Gold Price (1970-2011)

Sep 22, 2012 at 11:38 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Thats a lot better than the way I put it into words......My "Build It" dident work out so well. More like obama wanted me to turn out. Now im on "Criple Pay" from the socalist goverment..........Wait, maby it worked perfecit. obama would be so proud of me......!
Sep 22, 2012 at 1:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
LOL! Poor kid. I didn't invent Smalian's formula either, but understanding it earns me a decent income.
Nov 6, 2012 at 8:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterCanuck
Remember, you didn't build that.


Patents have long been a valuable tool for tech companies, providing protection for innovations and extracting royalties. But a new report charges that the US Patent and Trademark Office has a secret program it uses to delay patents it views as controversial or inconvenient.

The Sensitive Application Warning System (SAWS) is the Patent Office's "information gathering system" that triggers additional reviews for applications "that include sensitive subject matter," according to USPTO documentation. But a San Francisco-based law firm has documents it believes show the program can stifle innovation, ultimately hurting consumers, according to a Yahoo Tech report Wednesday.

"If a startup is getting sued by an established player, sometimes their only hope is to get a patent very quickly," said Thomas Franklin, a partner at Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, adding that SAWS keeps that from happening. The system favors an entrenched incumbent over an innovator who might have breakthrough technology, he said.

SAWS has been around for at least a decade, a USPTO spokesman said, but details about the program are not readily available. In fact, Franklin, whose firm often represents major tech companies like Apple, Google, Twitter and Oracle, said he only found out about it by accident from someone reviewing one of his client's application. The reviewer told him the program is "secret," Franklin said, "so we got very alarmed at what this program was about."
Dec 30, 2014 at 5:55 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Neither did this guy.../s


This is sort of why I came across DB and have written what I have…

WASHINGTON (CN) - A man whose stealth technology and weapons inventions put him on the road to a Nobel Prize says the government declassified his patents to reap the rewards.
Physicist and engineer Frank Trunk made the allegations in a federal complaint, originally filed under seal, against U.S. Navy Secretary Raymond Mabus, Energy Secretary Dr. Ernest Moniz, Defense Secretary Charles Hagel and Michelle Lee, the deputy director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Trunk says he made his breakthroughs in 1993, filing for patents for inventions involving aircraft and ship stealth technology, submarine stealth technology and nuclear-weapon designs.
"Those applications describe fundamental breakthroughs in physics and material science that according to one senior Navy scientist 'are the sort of thing Nobel prizes are made of,'" the Dec. 8 complaint states.
Though the Office of Naval Research (ONR) classified the patents in 2000 because exposure posed a potential threat to national security, Trunk says the Navy has begun declassifying the patents and doling the information out to military contractors, all while intimidating and threatening Trunk to keep him away from the rights to his inventions - and the profits.
Trunk says the government has told him that his own inventions are now classified and that his knowledge of the very technology he conceived is a criminal offense.
"Mr. Trunk has been told that as a matter of law, technically he cannot even 'think about' or discuss with myself' the subject matter of the patent applications because of the lack of security clearance," the complaint states. "The DOE [Department of Energy] General Counsel's Office has even asked (presumably in jest) whether Mr. Trunk is now required to 'shoot himself' since he is in possession of classified information without a security clearance." (Brackets added, parentheses in original.)


I had proprietary material related to energy stolen from me too.
Dec 30, 2014 at 5:59 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Makes sense John. One of the guys at work spoke about this the other day. In the end, it is theft, plain and simple. This is what they do every single day and make the claim that it's God's work they are doing. Christamighty.
Dec 30, 2014 at 7:25 PM | Unregistered Commenterskinflint

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