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OBAMA UNLEASHED: "If You've Got A Business, You Didn't Build That; Somebody Else Made That Happen"

Most of you have already seen this beauty.  The Deficit President at his finest.


UPDATE July 27 - Apparently, now it's racist to criticize Obama for this speech.

Here's the video in question...


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Reader Comments (29)

Republicans in the U.S. Senate voted unanimously Monday and again on Tuesday to block adoption of the Disclose Act, Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s legislation to require disclosure of political donations of more than $10,000 within 24 hours of the money being spent. The votes were no less remarkable for having been predictable.

Jul 18, 2012 at 1:32 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Jul 18, 2012 at 1:32 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Jul 18, 2012 at 1:34 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Majority of Whites Have ‘Never, Ever, Ever, Ever’ Favored Rights for Blacks in America, ‘Fantasy’ to Think That — Says Former NYTimes Writer, NBC Reporter


Jul 18, 2012 at 3:19 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Energy Dept. 'Unable to Locate' $500,000 in Equipment Bought With Stimulus Money

Jul 18, 2012 at 3:20 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Let me take a crack at 'guessing' who that battery concern was (that the Energy department will not disclose).


They had some financial difficulties earlier this year...


In other energy related news here are a few headlines.

Jul 18, 2012 at 6:21 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Here is my second guess regarding that mysterious battery concern...



The wind farm has a 15-megawatt battery storage system from Xtreme Power of Kyle, Texas, to smooth the energy output that the turbines deliver to the grid.
Jul 18, 2012 at 6:35 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Good link, LC. Student loans are the latest scam, as the NY Fed itself practically admits:

“Student loan debt continues to grow even as consumers reduce mortgage debt and credit card balances,” said Donghoon Lee, senior economist at the New York Fed. “It remains the only form of consumer debt to substantially increase since the peak of household debt in late 2008.”

Jul 18, 2012 at 11:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
he was talking about the road that goes to the business, hard to have a business with no road,
Jul 18, 2012 at 12:27 PM | Unregistered Commenterlordy
Here is an article from a small town newspaper. Hope I get this right. http://www.fredericknewspost.com/sections/opinion/display lte?storyID=138179#.UAVBYPXwSuk.
Jul 18, 2012 at 2:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterSKINFLINT
If anyone has read the John Perkins books about this stuff, the previous post explains it all. Debt that we can't extricate ourselves from.
Jul 18, 2012 at 2:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterSKINFLINT
Yeah, the "that" in his statement refers to roads and bridges (infrastructure), but that's pretty rich coming from the Bailout President.

Maybe he should be having this conversation in reference to those who have benefited MASSIVELY from government support these last few years -- banks and investment banks (casinos) -- rather than talking down to people who have worked hard and honestly to provide goods, services and jobs for their communities. Not to mention the disgusting condescension in his fake black / pseudo-down-home delivery.
Jul 18, 2012 at 2:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterPitchfork
This is another example of where President Obama misspoke. He was obviously trying to repeat what Elizabeth Warren said, in an Article on that was on The Daily Bail among many others, when Elizabeth Warren said the following:
""There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own, Nobody. You built a factory out there? Good for you," she says. "But I want to be clear: you moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for; you hired workers the rest of us paid to educate; you were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory, and hire someone to protect against this, because of the work the rest of us did."
She continues: "Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea? God bless. Keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along."
How many of you know this is what President Obama meant to say but instead he misspoke? How many of you are pretending you don't know this when you really do? You are proving only one thing and that is if you have to resort to these kind of tactics you prove that your side is sorely lacking good arguments to be made. I am Not a big Fan of President Obama due to some of his decisions that have been nothing less than horrible. This comment of mine represents my belief that when anyone uses these sleazy kind of tactics made famous by Fox "News" they need to question the true motivation and purposes of those who use them and the Politics they specifically represent. Rory
Jul 18, 2012 at 6:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterRory
What more can I say...
Jul 18, 2012 at 7:27 PM | Unregistered Commenterchiller
Ya know it is good that we have presidents who ramble on and sound silly at times. Please let us have SOME fun here. President Johnson was fond of showing us his scars, President Nixon's I am not a crook speech. Gerald Ford needs no comment. Jimmy Carter and his smarmy fireside chats. President Reagan and his bobbing head. George Bush senior puking on Japanese heads of state, President Clintons parsing of the defintion of is. George Jr. obviously was a nit wit at times and now Mr. Obama. At the next party it may be your turn. Just sayin.
Jul 18, 2012 at 9:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterSKINFLINT
That is not a valid comparison. The 24 Hours of the Fox "News" Channel, which is in Reality The Fox Right Wing Extremist Republican Political Propaganda & Hate Channel and Their Constant and Never Ending Attacks On President Obama using False Stories and Manufactured False Crisis they make along with Republicans themselves is at a Level and Volume Never Heard Before During My Lifetime and Probably at any time in the History of Our Country. We have experienced the Speaker of the House State that the Number One Priority of the Republican Party is to make President Obama a One Term President and this is Unprecedented. Republicans in Congress and on their Political Propaganda Media Sites automatically Disagree with Everything President Obama Says and Does for No Other Reason than President Obama said or did it. These are the Actions of Spoiled Children. Even on the Rare Occasions they cannot avoid agreeing with President Obama they Attack His Motivation "Because He is doing it for the Wrong Reasons". What the Other Presidents you listed experienced were Humor Based and Not the Viscous 24/7 Attacks of Fox "News" and other Republicans including Officeholders and Political Candidates. Or do you actually Believe what you see and hear on Fox "News"?
Jul 19, 2012 at 12:48 AM | Unregistered CommenterRory

Relax. This is not a GOP site. We understand both sides are the same. You have a lot to learn about the game of politics. As skinflint said, we're just having some fun. We make fun of all the idiots, bush and obama both being at the front of that particular line.
Jul 19, 2012 at 1:25 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Actually I do not believe everything the news tells me. I can clearly remember Nixon's farewell address which when you think about the fact that he was a Republican, makes the Obama stuff seem tame in this regard. Before he gave his farewell speech and rambled off to the waiting helicopter, we were inundated almost 24 hours a day with the spectacle of the Watergate hearings. This is before the 24/7 news cycle. It was amazing!! That being said, it is important to understand the slant at which you recieve news. All news, incliding the Associated Press, which use to be a factual news organization, is slanted one way or the other. If you filter yourself one way or the other then you fall into the opinion abyss. Cast a wider net then inform your friends from both sides and help them. Good Day to You All.
Jul 19, 2012 at 8:07 AM | Unregistered CommenterSKINFLINT
I think we might agree about something. The Corporate News Media is The Corporate News Media and according to Dan Rather six large Corporations own 80% of the Traditional News Media Platforms of Television, Print, and Radio. I learned within the last year that my lifetime habit of watching and reading the National and Local Affiliate Network Television "News" Broadcasts along with the dominant "Local" Newspaper on pretty much a daily basis (as in one only) did not mean I was the reasonably well informed person I thought I was. I found on the Internet an Enormous Volume of Very Important and Directly Relevant Factual Information on virtually all "News" Stories The Corporate "News" Media chose to minimize and even completely ignore. This includes the Deliberate Omission of Opinion Changing Facts from Stories to Minimizing and Even Completely Ignoring Important News Stories. The Corporate News Media has been skillfully using a Deliberate Strategy of Omission to Advance the Corporate Agenda. It is subtle, very effective, and almost completely unnoticed and reported upon. This Strategy is very effective for many reasons including the simple Fact that they simply Are Not Fox "News" which by itself gives them a greater amount of apparent credibility. I realized how long ago the Consolidation and Corpratizing of The "News" Media occurred when I looked up the the year, 1985, that Rupert Murdoch started Fox "News". The Absolute Silence of the "Traditional" or "Mainstream" News Media to a Very Biased Political Channel posing as "The Fair and Balanced News" Channel proves to me that the Corporate Ownership had already put the Corporate Agenda in place as "The News". If true Journalism was still alive in the Big Three of ABC, CBS, NBC and their Local Affiliates the Objections to a Right Wing Extremist Republican Political Propaganda and Hate Channel would have been very loud and very persistent. The Same is True of "The News" in the Print Media and on the Radio. CNN and the Rest are also Owned and Operated by Large Corporations and they too Promote the Corporate Agenda as "The News". It is Everything They Don't Say. I finally found one of the Corporate Public Excuses for some of this which is "We Report what People say, not whether what they say is True or Not". I find that both incredible and disgusting. I came across a description of a new word or term that gives the best description of what is really going on in our Country that I have found so far and it is at this Link: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.co/corporatocracy If you go there and read this I would be curious about what you think of it. I have always been against Censorship of the Internet and I now know the Internet is the Only Remaining Source of All the News and All of its Facts that is left. The Internet truly is the Only Remaining Forum for Genuine and Complete Free Speech. Corporate Control of the Internet would be the end of Free Speech in American and thus the End of True Democracy. Rory
Jul 19, 2012 at 10:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterRory
O.K. So we agree to agree. Even some Non Corporate entities such as NPR will promote the same agenda. The news is calculated to scream attention to really sad silly arguements while our leaders use the Constitution to wipe their muddied feet upon. The corporatocracy is described in John Perkins books. Look him up and read what he has to say. He goes into more depth than I ever could. God Bless. Now go help your friends and get the word out.
Jul 19, 2012 at 11:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterSKINFLINT
DB:" We make fun of all the idiots,"

Stop laughing at me! LMAO
Jul 20, 2012 at 2:46 AM | Unregistered CommenterTR
Govt. can do NOTHING with out revenue from the people obama is just wrong period the business's paid taxes as did individuals to build those roads, schools, libraries. My grown daughter owns a DQ (or I should say LOANS a DQ) people have no idea how hard small business owners work or how many hours. The taxes and fee's are unbelievable for small business owners. The regulation's are enough to make you pull your own hair out on top of it all. I agree w/Pitchfork why doesn't obama talk about his backers at the banks and the $4 Billion a year they are stealing from taxpayers!!!!

How Bernanke Can Get Banks Lending Again
If the Fed reduces the reward for holding excess reserves, banks will have to find something else to do with their money, like making loans or putting it in the capital markets.

"Suppose the Fed cuts the IOER from 25 basis points to minus 25 basis points, and banks don't lend one penny more. In that case, the Fed stops paying banks almost $4 billion a year in interest and, instead, starts collecting roughly equal fees from banks. That would be almost an $8 billion swing from banks to taxpayers. There are worse things."

in full


I have always thought of the Daily Bail as a Libertarian site and as such we talk about both the left and the right that's why I post here.

As for the Race Card obama and his supporter's have been playing it from the beginning.

Cheyenne the thing that really ticks me off about the student loan debt. aside from the above is that rather then going after the bankers once again obama wants to let them off the hook. Many of those student loans were sub-prime and the banks sold them to investors so that means pension funds, 401k's etc. he see's it as a two fer he can get the votes and not have to do a thing about the fraud.

Private Student Loans Work Like Subprime Mortgages

Private lenders offered student loans without confirming that recipients could pay them back -- then sold them to investors, thus protecting the lenders against defaults, a government study finds.


Obama Administration Backs Bankruptcy Option for Some Student Debt


Obama's Decoy Bailout... To Distract You from the Real Crisis

Jul 27, 2012 at 6:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterLiberatedCitizen
Jul 28, 2012 at 9:38 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
****OK******, Lets See If I Got This Stright, Mr. Obama..........................................................................?
My dad "Screw'ed" my Mom. My Mom, ploped my out on a cold table in Houston Texas, 1951..They put Dar threw school, but I couldent sit still and study. I knew the answers, but dident take time to know why I knew.....(Thank You Mom n Dad)
In 6th grade I started my first band. In 8th grade wile raising my brother n 2 sisters, I was working at McDonalds full time, and playing in my "Country Rock" band. School dances and guarge partys for our friends.......Our parents came with us so we could play the bars on Fri. & Sat. nights.......(Thank You Mom n Dad)

Time gos on and im playing drums for a local band, "The Midnighters". We won many, many, Trophys, and contests at the out door shows n concerts. ( Thank You Mom-Dad )

Dar gos on the road with "Nashville Recording Artist" Bobby Darren...for 6 years. Recorded 2 Albums and 3 hit singles................(Thanks Mom n Dad)...................Im driving the tour bus home one night from Nashville and decide to take "Earnst Tubbs" advice, and be who I was ment to be..............OMG, THANK YOU MOM n DAD......***********!!!!!!!!!!!!***********

After 25 years playing the drums, I parked the BUS, took out the drums......Put my Guitar, Amp, Mic. in the red Chevy Wagon, and went down town to the Bollling Alley, and said, heres $20. Please let me play Sat. night. Gary said, Play, we'll see what happens..........Yes john, that was 1 town away from Weyeawega Sconsin.......................I shovled a lot of snow for my food stamps that winter.......

Next thing I knew, my son Jeff was playin Bass, my wife was singing the girl "Clasic" songs, my daughter was singing the country hits......."Reba"........2 red heads, "The Judds"...........Thank You Baruck Obama, my dad "Fu*ked my Mom, and look what I got. I did not earn this, "Right".................

"Holly Crap" BatMan, we got us a Convoy...........Texas Dar & The Pure Country Band, has 10 people in my tour bus, goin down the road, doing "Grand Ol Oppry" shows, giving away "Go-Go-Cluster" candy bars playin country music trivia.......(Thank You Mom n Dad)...Obama said Dar had nothing to do with my sucess.......

"WTF"............Im getting sick, weak, so weak I cant get out of bed. Much les drive the bus, and do 3 shows a week. Cover 3 states. We have no idea whats goin on, but it cant be good.....( Thanks a Lot Dad for "Fuck*ng Mom) Its all your fault......

I sure as Fu*k dident build this Frickin Bridge, Obama.........................What did I do, Lay off 10 people, park the bus and band trailer. Go to the Dr. n Dr n Dr. and more Drs. Nobody knew what was wrong with me. We sold everything, moved into our bus, and lived 8 years in Branson Mo. trying to get a sit down show. ( Thanks Obama, I sure dident build this mound of SHIT.....)

But my Dad screwed my mom, and they built my show, not Dar....I sure as Hell dident do all that sucess. My Dad started it all when he put his "Dick" in my Mom..............! Dar dident build it...Right Cheyanne?......

Now I lost everything. My Dreams, income, band, show, fan club, health, all from a couple of tick bites. ....( I wonder who Built That Obama...) You said,,,You Dident Build That,,,,,,,? Well who in Fu*k did then, oh yea...............your Union Friends. They built the Ground, Grass, Trees, Sky, Clouds, Stars, ................(Thanks Dad, You Screw'ed Mom, so its all Your fault I was a "Sucess"....)

I dident become a Sucess, till the "Tick Bite", took Dar down..............Its Obamas union friends, why im a sucess, right...? NO, Its the peoples, union, that layed the Roads, curbs, street lights, mail box's, dumpsters, ATM's, fire hyrdents, (John),,,,,,,the water pipe, gas pipe. sewer pipe, NOT Texas Dar...........I had nothing to do with my sucess, right Obama..................

Do ya's see how "Stupith We Have Become"................Its not mom-or-dad's fault. I was a sucess becouse Dar put in 24/7 and made it happen. A Pol-La-Ticsh-Ion, is a form of "Pig Shit", and they will pull you down to the crap they lay in.Evan if the "Built That"................

Chey, im on my 5th, and this Dar, has got to sign out........? i dont want to know what my Hart Rate is tonight...? I dam sure know, I Dident Build That.......
Jul 30, 2012 at 12:44 AM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
He Miss-Spoke. He Corrected his wrong statement later in the same speech. The Corporate News Media made a choice not to include his correction because it does not serve the Purpose that Leaving the Correction Out Does which is to wrongly make a lot of People angry based on a false premise. Have you ever Miss-Spoke in your Life? When you did would it have OK with you to have the correction you made to correct your mistake completely ignored? This is the Issue. It is everything you don't know because you watch "The Corporate News" or even worse Fox "News" and believe what you see and hear on it. Watch the whole speech and you will hear the correction if you have the capacity to believe some different than what you Want to Believe. I gave you the information he was trying to communicate and apparently that means nothing to you. We all benefit when we all contribute. When some claim they owe nothing to Our Society for the Education they Received, the Roads and Bridges, the Fire Departments, the Emergency Services, and everything else Our Society together provides they are both incredibly selfish and ignorant. Change the Channel and pull your head out of your ass.
Jul 30, 2012 at 3:10 AM | Unregistered CommenterRory
See how easy it is to post your life story and mix in Obamas Gaff Statement, you dident build that. We all have a sucess story, or maby Not...?

But Rory, im just messin with ya's...Only becouse it trips your triger. Calm down and hang on. That other "Stoge" will slip up real soon again, and I will be all over him too. Neither one is the right man to run this country. But we do need Romney in the White House, come January.

How quick everyone forgot about Romney putting the Family Dog in the Pet Taxi on top of the car and out the driveway they went. 2-4hrs. who knows. But the dog liked it a lot better than cooped up in the car with the kids.

Maby he will put his mother in law on top of the car this time and drive to the White House to show her, her new home. I WILL have fun ripping him on what ever he dose next. Im out to rib all "Pol-La-Tich-Ion's".....

Everyone is free game. Im not gona write my man in, im voting for Romney. Twice if he shoves his mother in law in the Pet Taxi...........

In Obamas defence, you could see in his eyes after he said it..( Humm, that dident come out quite right ) if he would of said "Sorry" what I ment was........but NO, he keeps trying to back paddle and im sure blame Bush. After all Obama dident say that, someone else must of said that, right.

Guys like me, just love guys like you. The more Cranked you get, the more entertainment you give me to work with.

As far as my Mom n Dad, dad would say, Good Rant Son, but you built a great buissnes your self.. Mom would say, Darwin, let me re-write that for ya. You left out a few "Cuss Words"...you know how my dad hated The Democrat Party, and that was back in 19&57......

Rory, ease up before you have a hart atack. I rib everyone in fun only. I feel sorry for Obama, becouse hes making it worse trying to twist his Gaff. It will go down in the histroy books.....like ( Im Not a Crook ) Just Sayin......
Jul 30, 2012 at 9:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
He Miss-Spoke. He Corrected his wrong statement later in the same speech. The Corporate News Media made a choice not to include his correction because it does not serve the Purpose that Leaving the Correction Out Does which is to wrongly make a lot of People angry based on a false premise. Have you ever Miss-Spoke in your Life?

By the way, the MSM is owned and controled by the Dem. Party. They neaver would of left something like that corection out of the piece. Look how much guys like me and late night shows are having with it. I bet it was Fox News, that left it out and made sure every "Bobble Head Republican" got wind of it.

I do NOT like the news media either...!
Jul 30, 2012 at 10:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
What is MSM? Do you mean MSNBC? If so they are Part of The Corporate News Media of NBC/Universal and I don't watch very much of it for this reason and others. I have learned if you want the Truth it is necessary to take the time and make the effort to search it out on the Internet by using numerous, diverse, and most importantly Valid Sources of Information to find it. Look for the Articles with numerous Reference/Footnote Numbers as they are backing up what they are saying by using multiple valid sources of factual information and providing you the Source so you can go look at it for yourself. On MSNBC They do call themselves Progressive and admit to being a Political Channel which puts them a mile ahead of The Fox Right Wing Extremist Republican Political Propaganda & Hate Channel alone who have made and continue one of the biggest "Promotional" Lies of All Time with their 100% Fraudulent Claim of "Fair and Balanced".
Jul 31, 2012 at 1:09 AM | Unregistered CommenterRoryStar1

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