Channeling Robert Rubin, Clinton Says Goldman Sachs Didn't Break Law (VIDEO)
C-SPAN Video: Former President Bill Clinton comments on Goldman Sachs and the SEC while speaking at the Peterson Foundation in Washington, DC -- April 28, 2010
Short clip runs 4 minutes. Clip is from the day beofre the Justice Department announced a criminal investigation into Goldman. Slick Willy spoketh too soon.
- “I’m not at all sure they violated the law, but I do believe that there was no underlying merit to the transaction and that’s what I think we need to look at."
- “I don’t think it is self-evident” Goldman Sachs broke the law because investors “had access to the same information” as Paulson, Clinton said at a conference in Washington focusing on the federal government’s financial picture. “What is evident to me is that, whoever wins and loses in that deal, there is no larger purpose for the American economy -- nobody really benefits except the person that wins the gamble.”
Don't forget the massive derivatives regulatory failure that occurred under Clinton, and with his explicit blessing. It is detailed in this piece from PBS:
New interview with former Goldmanite and Clinton Treasury official Gary Gensler:
Clinton Should Have Done More on Derivatives, CFTC's Gensler Says
Outstanding Clip:
32 Seconds Of Nassim Taleb Kicking Bob Rubin's Ass >>
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Reader Comments (5)
"They said we were racists, and we were against them, and against their town, and against San Francisco," said Parker Wilson with the Bay Area National Anarchists. "What they were saying, they said we need to get out and called us racists, and that we need to go home. And then they just attacked my friends and me."
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