Channeling Robert Rubin, Clinton Says Goldman Sachs Didn't Break Law (VIDEO)
May 3, 2010 at 1:36 AM
DailyBail in Goldman Sachs Criminal Investigations, bill clinton, goldman sachs, goldman sachs, robert rubin, video, wall street

C-SPAN Video:  Former President Bill Clinton comments on Goldman Sachs and the SEC while speaking at the Peterson Foundation in Washington, DC -- April 28, 2010

Short clip runs 4 minutes.  Clip is from the day beofre the Justice Department announced a criminal investigation into Goldman.  Slick Willy spoketh too soon.



Don't forget the massive derivatives regulatory failure that occurred under Clinton, and with his explicit blessing.  It is detailed in this piece from PBS:

PBS Frontline: The Warning -- How Greenspan, Summers & Rubin Conspired To Silence Derivatives Whistleblower Brooksley Born (Complete VIDEO & Transcript)


New interview with former Goldmanite and Clinton Treasury official Gary Gensler:

Clinton Should Have Done More on Derivatives, CFTC's Gensler Says


Outstanding Clip:

32 Seconds Of Nassim Taleb Kicking Bob Rubin's Ass  >>




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