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Cramer Gets Bearish - 'Short Financials NOW, European Lehman Moment Is Upon Us'

CNBC's Jim Cramer is a stock-picking buffoon, this is no secret to anyone beyond his call-in sycophants, who willingly scream 'booyah' for any chance to be on-air with their majesty, lord of all stupidity.  However, when Cramer gets bearish and tells readers to short financials, as he did today, even going so far as to recommend using the double and triple short financial etfs, well then it's newsworthy, to a certain degree, if only for the uncomprising laughter at the late-to-the-party clown.

Yes, Jim we are laughing at you, not with you.

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Watch Obama’s Jobs Speech In 35 Seconds

Video - Obama's Jobs Speech Before Congress - Sep. 8, 2011

  • "Pass this jobs bill..."

Guess what?  It's not going to pass, and it wouldn't help, even if it did, despite genuflection from Geithner.  Repeat after me - we are in a depression created by easy money and a 30-year debt bubble that grossly distorted housing prices versus median incomes, and until housing falls back to historical norms, and bank and household debt deleveraging run their course (5 more years if we're lucky), the economy will not recover, Keynesian delusionsaries Krugman, Delong, Romer, Reich, Galbraith, Stiglitz, Koo, Bernanke and Obama be damned.

The full speech is inside for anyone who can tolerate it.

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Al Qaeda Says 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 'Ridiculous' 

Very funny satire from the Onion.

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The Dead, The Dollars, The Drones: 9/11 By The Numbers


Peter Schiff Exposes ABC News Bias Against Ron Paul

Short clip from last week - Runs 2 minutes.

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Jamie Dimon Calls For U.S. To Quit Basel: 'International Bank Rules Are Anti-American' - FT Interview

A couple of new stories from the Financial Times this morning based on an interview with JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon that are notable for tone and substance, though we've heard these complaints before from Dimon, specifically in his infamous public rebuke of Bernanke caught on tape earlier this Summer:

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Judge Napolitano - Remembering 9/11: Freedoms Sacrificed In The Name Of Security

Excellent short clip.

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VIDEO - History Of Ron Paul Questioning Alan Greenspan

Given Sir Alan's debt and deficit testimony Tuesday before Congress, we decided to take a short look back at several exchanges between the former Fed Chairman and his dollar-protective nemesis.  Within the first 30 seconds of the above clip, the ever-prescient Dr. Paul recommends that Greenspan retire early and escape the coming monetary storm. Greenspan did not heed his advice, at least until 2005, though he did escape before the bubble burst and left the majority of the blame to Bernanke.

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Rumsfeld On 9/11 Anniversary: "Defense Cuts Will Lead To More Attacks, Entitlements Are The Reason For Deficit"

We disagree with virtually everything you are about to hear and read, but it's important to know what the neo-con troglodytes are saying.

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Ron Paul: Face The Truth About 9/11

Video - Texas Straight Talk - Sep. 11, 2011

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DEBT CEILING - Senate Approves $500 Billion Increase In Borrowing Authority


Let Us Now Praise Famous Economists

This is brilliant.

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John Thain, TARP Taxpayer Rapist With Maria Bartiromo

CNBC Video - John Thain, CEO of CIT Group - Sep. 9, 2011

Interview from earlier today.  Maria doesn't ask him anything about his rape of taxpayers and performs the expected CNBC fellatio of all Wall Street executives.

Paulson and Geithner gave CIT Group at least $2 billion in TARP funds, which was never paid back and CIT declared bankruptcy months later.  Then in restructuring, CIT hired Thain, the former Goldman Sachs exec and later CEO of Merrill Lynch who engineered $4 billion in taxpayer-funded bonuses for Merrill in a year the firm lost over $10 billion (2008), and spent over $1 million of TARP funds redecorating his office including a $35K commode.

If you've never seen WalStreetPro rip off Thain's head, you can watch that here:


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Marc Faber's Warning Shocks CNBC Anchors: 'Don’t Store Your Gold In The United States!' (VIDEO)

Last week on CNBC the following classic exchange occured:

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