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VIDEO - History Of Ron Paul Questioning Alan Greenspan

Given Sir Alan's debt and deficit testimony Tuesday before Congress, we decided to take a short look back at several exchanges between the former Fed Chairman and his dollar-protective nemesis.  Within the first 30 seconds of the above clip, the ever-prescient Dr. Paul recommends that Greenspan retire early and escape the coming monetary storm. Greenspan did not heed his advice, at least until 2005, though he did escape before the bubble burst and left the majority of the blame to Bernanke.


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Reader Comments (3)


Just contemplating here

Wonder how many new readers are in AWE of all the INFO on The Daily Bail & how many can't handle it?

Don't suppose there is any way to know.
Sep 16, 2011 at 11:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterTR
You're a kind soul TR...I work my ass off...all day every day, and the new readers come slowly.
Sep 16, 2011 at 11:43 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
DB, Thanks
Most people I know are in a semi-comatose state. If they read TDB they probably wouldn't understand what their reading.
I try to direct people here but never seem to get any response. Don't know if they've clicked:SEARCH. Their LOSS.

I better say something nice about all commenters & their links or they might turn into a bunch of BITCHY LITTLE GIRLS. ROFLMAO
Sep 17, 2011 at 2:48 AM | Unregistered CommenterTR

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