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Dr. James Galbraith, Professional Fed Killer


Bernie Sanders Enlists Prominent Economists For Federal Reserve Reform Bill

Who knows where this will effort by Sanders will end up but it's a good start in the right direction.  I would imagine that Dr. James Galbraith will be added to the group given his reputation before Congress as a Fed killer.  And since when was Nomi Prins an economist.

Sanders has been rather vocal lately over conflicts of interest at the Fed.

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VIDEO - Fist Fight In Italian Parliament As 'Dysfunctional' Government Threatens Euro Bailout

Details inside.

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Larry Summers Is An Economic War Criminal

Guest post from Chris Whalen.

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Colbert: Crucial Time In The Fight For Corporate Civil Rights

Video - Colbert Report - Oct. 25, 2011

Runs 2 minutes.

  • "Folks, this is a crucial time in the fight for corporate civil rights. Just look at the hateful signs at Occupy Wall St, ‘Corporations are not people.’  Wow, I thought we were passed the point in this country, just because they have different color skin, or different religion, or were born in the lawyer’s office and exist on paper and were created in the lawyer’s office, have no soul and can never die."

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New Obama Foreclosure Plan Shifts Fraud Liability From Wall Street To Taxpayers


RAW VIDEO - Violence In Greece Escalates Over Austerity

This is a pretty intense clip.  Protesters in Athens riot during a demonstration by about 100-thousand people on the first of a two-day general strike.  Violence spread across the centre of the city earlier in the day, following the massive anti-government rally against new austerity measures.  Authorities said about 3,000 police were deployed in Athens.

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Bachmann Thinks Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Icky


RAW VIDEO - Violent Clashes Between Police And Protesters At Occupy Australia

Some footage from weekend clashes at Occupy Melbourne.  The protests are still growing. The anger is not dissipating.  It's going to be a long Winter of discontent across the globe.

Victoria's Police Minister was forced to defend the behaviour of officers after demonstrators called for the state's ombudsman to investigate 43 alleged cases of police violence on Friday, including eye-gouging, punching and the use of pepper spray on children.


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Paul Volcker: 'It's Time To Regulate Money Market Funds And Get Rid Of Fannie & Freddie'

Volcker is right on both counts.

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Global Government - The Pope Calls For A New World Financial Order, Eurozone To Impose Penalties On Bank Bailouts, What Happened To Lehman CDS (Morning Links)


U.S. Credit Rating Will Likely Be Downgraded Again

The United States will likely suffer the loss of its triple-A credit rating from another major rating agency by the end of this year due to concerns over the deficit, Bank of America Merrill Lynch forecasts.  The trigger would be a likely failure by Congress to agree on a credible long-term plan to cut the U.S. deficit, the bank said in a research note.

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OCCUPY IRELAND - "Make Bank Bondholders Pay! If They Didn't Share The Profits, Then We Won't Share The Losses!"

Video - Occupy Dame Street, Ireland - Oct. 22, 2011

This one speaks for itself.

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OCCUPY GEORGE - Protesters Stamp Inequality Graphics On Dollar Bills (PHOTOS)

Instead of broadcasting their views on a sign, Facebook group or Twitter, some supporters of the Occupy Wall Street protests are illustrating their frustrations on dollar bills.

Details and more photos inside.

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