Entries by DailyBail (6219)
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Beware A Vicious Dollar Rally (Where The Wild Things Are)
By John Mauldin
Where the Wild Things Are is a beloved children's book and now a beautiful movie. But in the investment world there are really scary wild things lurking about in the hidden recesses of the economic landscape. Today we look at one of the unintended consequences of the Federal Reserve's low interest rate policy.
For quite some time, I have been arguing that we are faced with no good choices, not just in the US but in the entire "developed" world. I see a low-growth, Muddle Through world over the next years (with a double-dip recession just to liven things up). However, that does not mean that we will lack for volatility. Things could get volatile rather quickly. Let's quickly set the background.
It Is Not Just Japan
Let's look at today's interest rate picture. Yesterday, we had the bizarre occurrence of banks actually paying the government to hold their cash. Three-month treasuries yield a miniscule 0.01% in interest. If you opt to buy a one-year bill you get all of 0.26%. You can see the entire spectrum below.
Sarah Palin: Rogue Warrior, Talking Point Machine (Daily Show)
Video: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart -- Sarah Palin Rogue Warrior -- Aired Nov. 18, 2009
Presented without comment because you already know my thoughts on Sarah Palin, Bailout Socialist; Republican's looking for a anti-establishment candidate would be asked again to consider Dr. Ron Paul. Dylan Ratigan's show gets lampooned for a Palin photoshop mistake.
HEALTHCARE BREAKING: Lincoln's 'Yes' Gives DEMS 60 Votes
Blanche Lincoln has just confirmed she's on board and will vote yes to open debate.
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) said she’d deliver the deciding vote to push forward with a sweeping health reform plan in the Senate Saturday, ending days of speculation over whether President Obama’s signature priority would proceed to the floor or suffer a debilitating blow.
Michael Crichton Annihilates Al Gore And Global Warming
PBS Video: Michael Crichton On The Fraud Of Global Warming With Charlie Rose
Our previous story on global warming fraud reminded me of this Michael Crichton interview from a few years ago. It's a 5-star appearance. Crichtdon graduated Harvard Medical School, was a published scientist, and was a fellow at the Jonas Salk Institute before becoming a Hollywood writer/producer, so it's not really a fair fight. Al Gore and the entire accepted dogma of man-made global warming (AGW) is obliterated.