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Lou Dobbs, 'Mr. Independent,' Mulls White House Bid In 2012

We present this story as demonstration that the 1-party party political system, where Democrats and Republicans fight for the right to represent K-street lobbyists, continues under siege.

From Politico

Former CNN host Lou Dobbs fueled already rampant speculation about his political future Monday, sending the clearest signals yet that he's mulling a bid for president — and leaving third-party political operatives salivating over the possibility of a celebrity recruit for the 2012 campaign.

Less than two weeks after announcing his departure from the cable network — and after a series of interviews in which Dobbs encouraged speculation about his political plans — the anchorman known to fans as "Mr. Independent" finally made his presidential ambitions explicit on former Sen. Fred Thompson's radio show Monday.

Asked if he might make a run at the White House in 2012, Dobbs answered flatly: "Yes is the answer."

"I'm going to be talking some more with some folks who want me to listen in the next few weeks," Dobbs told Thompson. "Right now I'm fortunate to have a number of wonderful options."

Dobbs's political future, however, remains shrouded in question marks. He has left open a variety of paths to public office — in addition to toying with a presidential campaign, Dobbs hasn't ruled out a bid for the Senate in 2012 in New Jersey — and also left his party affiliation a mystery.

A representative for Dobbs said his schedule did not permit him to comment for this story by deadline.

Though Dobbs's criticism of the Obama administration and his famously conservative views on illegal immigration have raised the prospect he could run for office as a Republican, he has staked out a rhetorical position that places him outside both parties. In 2007, he penned a book titled, "Independents Day: Awakening the American Spirit," and in his final CNN broadcast, Dobbs took broad aim at a political culture "defined in the public arena by partisanship and ideology rather than by rigorous, empirical thought and forthright analysis and discussion."

And in an appearance on CNBC last week, Dobbs told Larry Kudlow that he "absolutely" planned to remain independent of a political party.

Continue reading at Politico >>


Kudlow Report: Lou Dobbs On Bailouts, TARP, Geithner And Politics


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Reader Comments (11)



Associated Depressed...
WASHINGTON – A White House official says the Virginia couple who attended a state dinner without an invitation met President Barack Obama in the receiving line.

Michaele and Tareq Salahi were admitted into Tuesday's dinner for India's visiting prime minister although they were not on the official guest list of more than 300 people. It had been unclear how close they may have gotten to Obama.

A White House official said Friday that the couple met Obama in the receiving line.
Nov 27, 2009 at 8:58 PM | Unregistered Commentergobias

The open border movement has started a drive to get those who approve of another disastrous AMNESTY, to send postcards to Washington. Well anti-illegal immigration, pro-sovereignty and--NO--Comprehensive Immigration Reform can do-one-better? Opponents of AMNESTY should call their politician at 202-224-3121, or go there in person to their offices. SPELL OUT TO THE SCREENER OR AID, to take your name and phone number, stating decisively--NO AMNESTY. Then every American, black white, red or brown person, who see this as a treasonous portrayal of American and legal immigrant workers, should also buy a postcard and bombard your Senator or Representative. We can stop this travesty to our immigration laws, because under President Obama, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Sen.Gutierrez D-IL, Sen.Harry Reid (D-NV), Speaker N. Pelosi (D-CA), Sen. Diane Feinstein D-CA, and the rest of the cast of Un-American characters, will have us paying billions of dollars, to support the 20-30 million plus already here, and then the rolling uncountable numbers that will attack the border once the word is heard from Belize to China.

Another Amnesty will just start a stampede, which all taxpayers will have to support. As the fence is now, the underfunded barrier will not stop the human deluge. It is a catastrophe waiting to happen and a matter of survival in America. A majority of tourists who overstay their tourist visa are illegal aliens. Neither crossing the border or overstaying tourist visas, is a violation against THE RULE OF LAW. Unlike other countries--entering America without permission is a minimal offense/'.This is thanks to globalists, business organizations that politicians have catered to for generations. If our laws--WERE ENFORCED--from the beginning, not weakened or dismantled by previous White House occupancy we would not have been--INVADED? NOW WRITE YOUR POSTCARDS AND REMEMBER TO PUT A STAMP ON IT. GOOGLE--your local and state policy makers or find their electoral address, email address and phone numbers. Even your local phone book has this information. THE OTHER SIDE THINKS WE DON'T HAVE THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE, TO STOP THIS CRAZY MOVE TOWARDS THIS ILL-CONCEIVED AMNESTY? THEY WILL SOON FIND OUT THAT THEY ARE--DEAD WRONG!

We can derail the open border zealots, ACLU, Council of Foreign Relations, Catholic Church, and other congregational faiths and the business owners--NOT FORGETTING FOREIGN NATIONALS--AS WE CAN BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME? Want to save America from OVERPOPULATION, rising illegal immigrant crime, paying for all their education, health care and other unrevealed government ENTITLEMENTS? VOTE THE MORONS OUT! VOTE SEN. HARRY REID, JOHN McCAIN OUT NEXT YEAR Demand E-Verify as a permanent addition to 287 (g) local police restriction, ICE audits of piratical business. Demand E-Verify to eject illegal workers taking your jobs, so they will leave when unable to obtain a job. EVERYBODY IN THE WORKFORCE MUST BE IDENTIFIED--THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN EMPLOYED FOR YEARS--AND NEW HIRES--EVERYBODY? OTHERWISE IT'S A GOOD EXCUSE FOR OPPONENTS TO FILE A DISCRIMINATION LAWSUIT AGAINST BUSINESSES WITH DEEP POCKETS. THAT WAY THE COMMUNIST (FOUNDER) ACLU WILL BE UNDERMINED BY THEIR RELENTLESS PURSUIT OF DESTROYING E-VERIFY, 287 G, ICE RAIDS AND OTHER ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES.

This is a battle we must--WIN--against illegal immigration, but we must have an orderly flow of legal newcomers specially professional people in the highest pinnacle of Engineers, computers and other skills. We cannot, shouldn't accept anymore poor people, when our nation has millions of mixed gender at the bottom rungs of the employment ladder living in poverty. NO AMNESTY, but amendments to the 1986 (IRCA) can achieve this goal, even though the American people are constantly lied to by those in power. Prior to any new laws all those potential immigrants waiting in other lands, already processed should be given first priority in receiving a work visa. While we spend billions of taxpayer dollars on the incessant wars, some of The People's money should have been appropriated for the originally designed border fence, not the single-layer barrier that was underfunded, with no intention of stopping the rush of desperate humanity to satisfy the money-craving business community.

NUMBERSUSA will show you the illegal immigrant costs and the enforcement gradings of those in Washington. CAPSWEB will explain irreversible population growth in California and nationwide. Other sites of interest on Immigration enforcement is ALIPAC and AMERICAN PATROL and THE DARK SIDE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. OH! DON'T FORGET THE 28 CENTS POSTCARD TO THOSE WHO THINK THEY CONTROL US.
Nov 27, 2009 at 9:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterBrittanicus
Is that you Ken?
Nov 27, 2009 at 9:44 PM | Unregistered Commentergobias


Associated Depressed...
WASHINGTON – A White House official says the Virginia couple who attended a state dinner without an invitation met President Barack Obama in the receiving line.

Michaele and Tareq Salahi were admitted into Tuesday's dinner for India's visiting prime minister although they were not on the official guest list of more than 300 people. It had been unclear how close they may have gotten to Obama.

A White House official said Friday that the couple met Obama in the receiving line.
Nov 27, 2009 at 9:45 PM | Unregistered Commentergobias
Dobbs as a independent would be an excellent experiment in herd philosophy. Many would never see his name on the ballot because they would have a party ticket in one hand, and a jar of vasoline in the other.

I hope you do it Lou. The people need to wake up to the travesty of the system.

Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
[Neo's eyes suddenly wander towards a woman in a red dress.]
Nov 27, 2009 at 11:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Gomp says...Dobbs as a independent would be an excellent experiment in herd philosophy.

Do you need more evidence? I would have thought the Obama experiment would be enough.
Nov 27, 2009 at 11:22 PM | Unregistered Commentergobias
Gomp says...Dobbs as a independent would be an excellent experiment in herd philosophy.

Do you need more evidence? I would have thought the Obama experiment would be enough.

Let me be the first one to announce Tiger’s impending divorce. You da man, ouch, that one is gonna cost you millions. Elin, call me. Norwegian wood, this bird has flown. Erin, you complete me.

Ha, CNN called him a mixed race kid. Sort of like Barry Soetoro, oh no you didn’t.

Yes, I did.
Nov 27, 2009 at 11:29 PM | Unregistered Commentergobias
Obama is in the other herd Gobias, I was referring to a already nationally recognized name running as a independent in a time of much disdain for the two herds. Many people are angry and confused about about many of the square pegs in round holes forced upon us in the last eight years. There are already cracks in the facade of both parties as more and more people are waking up to the lies that have been perpetuated over and over again in both parties.

Don't worry though dear Gobias, the herd mentality is strong, and has existed long before the manifesto was written, and an independent still will not win. So you can safely await your reward of sweet alfalfa from your wrangler. Fair warning though, when they switch to corn, they are fattening you up for the kill.

But greater numbers turning away from the herds will do two things, it will send a powerful message to both parties that people are no longer just laying down and accepting the "alfalfa". And imagine the fun election time will be watching the wranglers promise you everything and deliver nothing, just to get everyone back nose to tail again.

Just remember dear Gobias, when the animal in front of you tosses his tail on his back, please turn your head before your nose gets pooped on...

2012 might be a difficult year for wranglers... When you are complacently nose to tail Gobias, you are already a vote in the box, and they owe you nothing.

Rattle the bars of your own party every now and then, you might find it invigorating. Don't be a blind follower, make them worry and sweat, that is how you make change to a broken system...
Nov 28, 2009 at 8:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Corn? They have already switched to the dollar menu at McDonalds.

So, you are worried that Dobbs will be an independent or just another independent?
Nov 28, 2009 at 12:18 PM | Unregistered Commentergobias
I am not worried about anything Gobias, I believe I stated "Many would never see his name on the ballot because they would have a party ticket in one hand, and a jar of vasoline in the other." You are a shining example of that herd philosophy.

I also stated "I hope you do it Lou. The people need to wake up to the travesty of the system." He would be the best shot the independent circle has had since Perot, and he choked because he quit and came back. You know what I think about quitters.

Is the dollar menu approved by your home owners association?
Nov 28, 2009 at 3:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers

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