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Lloyd Blankfein Testimony - What Most People Missed

Lloyd Blankfein and Goldman Sachs - part of the Corleone family.

This clip was posted on Youtube by Omid Malekan, the creator of the viral hits:


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FLASHBACK - Financial Crisis Hearings - Testimony From Ex-Bear Stearns CEO Jimmy Cayne

Awesome quote inside from Cayne on Geithner.

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Who Told Tim Geithner To Go F*CK Himself?

Updated on Sep 15, 2011 at 2:53 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

I've posted this story a few times, but it never gets old.

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EU Passes Treaty Demanding Balanced Budgets, Hedge Funds Brace For 'Nightmare Eurozone Break-Up', China Buying Gold Like Cheap Cabbage, Obama Details Massive Re-Fi Plan (LINKS)


Morgan Stanley Chairman Steve Roach: "The U.S. Will Not Recover Any Time Soon, We Are Japan 2.0"

Outstanding written interview with Henry Blodget - Roach is a truth-teller.

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Dylan Ratigan With David Stockman On Romney, Gingrich And Crony Capitalism: "How To Make A Billion Dollars, The Easy Way" (Video & Transcript)

Video - Ratigan with David Stockman - Jan. 23, 2012

  • Stockman:  "So when you look at the record, $100 million in and — $2 billion out. One was an Italian Job, one was an inside job, and five were a screw job.  And that’s how you make a billion dollars."

Former Ronald Reagan OMB director David Stockman explains how both Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are incredible offenders and beneficiaries of corporate communism or, as he likes to call it, “crony capitalism.”  He specifically laid out the atrocious track record that is displayed by Mitt Romney and Bain Capital’s ability to make hundreds of millions of dollars on leveraged buyouts (just to name one illustrative example: buying and selling the Yellow Pages from the Italian government.)

The most important thing about the Stockman indictment of Romney and Gingrich is that it also speaks to the Obama administration’s similar characteristics, through the lens of Geithner and Summers.  He points specifically to the failure to reform our banking system, and the massive expansion in too big to fail financial institutions since the financial crisis as the single greatest risk to the Western economy, as well as the greatest cause of distorted incomes, poverty, and unemployment.

Stockman proves that it’s not about the identity of the politicians, it’s about understanding the distinction between aligned interests between investors, entrepreneurs and inventors working together to solve problems — this in contrast with the misaligned interests, crony capitalists and corporate communists who use use access to power to extract money for themselves at the expense of our nation and the world as a whole.

Full transcript is inside.

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CHART - The Candidates' Tax Returns

NYT - A comparison of 2010 taxes for Obama, Romney and Gingrich.


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Obama Mentions An Energy Company In SOTU Speech And It Goes Bankrupt Two Days Later (LINKS)


Bernie Sanders: The Top Ten U.S. Corporate Tax Avoiders

Take a second and read this short list from Sanders.

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VIDEO: The Economic Hitmen - How Broken Capitalism Rules The Globe

Outstanding short clip.

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Tax Avoidance By U.S. Corporations, 1995 Vs. 2011


MUST SEE - Phil Donahue On Ron Paul & U.S. Foreign Policy: "We've Become A Warrior Nation"

Video - Phil Donahue on CNN - Jan. 5, 2012

Just stumbled across this clip last night.  It's worth the time.

  • "How many bombs are you going to drop!  It looks like we've become a warrior nation.  We are dropping bombs on crowded cities at night where old people and children are sleeping, and we are watching it on CNN.  And the only voice that's spoken up in this campaign about this is Ron Paul."


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BREAKING - Obama Administration And Banks Near Deal On Mortgage Fraud Settlement

All things considered, this doesn't look like too bad of a deal, as banks are not being released from criminal liability.

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VIDEO - CNN's Erin Burnett Drowned Out By 'End The Fed' Chants Outside Florida GOP Debate

Young Ron Paul fans drown out Erin Burnett and John King before last night's GOP debate.

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