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VIDEO - The Romney Con

Excellent clip.  Mittens Romney never met an issue that wasn't worth a change of heart.

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MUST SEE PHOTO - NDAA USA Vs. Spanish Inquisition

National Defense Authorization Act - Thank you for the tyranny, Mr. President.

This one speaks for itself.

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VIDEO - MSNBC Bobblehead Mika Brezinski Shudders At Thought Of Ron Paul Winning GOP Nomination

You can skip most of this clip.  Just watch the last 20 seconds starting at the 3:30 mark.

Panelist says: "The problem with the brokered convention scenario is that you have to have somebody who's won a lot of delegates, and right now that's Ron Paul."

Brezinski moans: "Oh dear."

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BREAKING - Tim Geithner Tells Bloomberg He Will Not Serve In An Obama Second Term

Speculation has long been that Geithner will join one of the big banks on Wall Street.  If it's any other than Goldman Sachs, for whom he negotiated the AIG bailout at 100 cents on the dollar, we will be shocked.


WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Wednesday that he does not plan to serve if President Barack Obama wins a second term in November. Geithner said he was confident that Obama would be re-elected but added that he was also "confident that he is going to have the privilege of having another secretary of the Treasury." The comments came in an interview with Bloomberg Television.

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Who Is Dan Jester And Why Did Tim Geithner Call Him 103 Times During The Financial Meltdown Of 2008?

Editor's Note:  In light of the Goldman theft detailed yesterday, we are reposting this story as part of our look back at the Goldman AIG taxpayer rape.

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How Paulson Appointees & Former GS Employees Dan Jester & Ed Liddy Colluded To Destroy AIG And Secure A Secret Bailout For Goldman Sachs

The most detailed write-up of what happened with AIG I've come across.  This is not without complexity.  Two important points which are discussed in great detail below:

  • Dan Jester was "as useless as tits on a bull" in securing forbearance from the ratings agencies.  This sealed AIG's fate and guaranteed a bailout.
  • Seeking to avoid public scrutiny into the role he played while CEO of GS, Paulson installed former Goldman executive Edward Liddy as CEO of AIG to quietly pay out $18.7 billion (highlighted below) to AIG counterparties, thereby sealing the fate of any negotiations. 

Read this one carefully.  There's a lot in here.

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FED WATCH - Bernanke Headlines Streaming LIVE

Streaming headlines from Bernanke's press conference are below.

  1. Bernanke: Assets sales now pushed back to 2015

  2. Bernanke: Quantitative easing remains an option

  3. Bernanke: Savers benefitting from low inflation

  4. Bernanke: Fed mindful savers hurt by low rates

  5. Bernanke won't respond to Republican critics

  6. Bernanke: See signs of low inflation ahead

  7. Bernanke: Fed ready to ease if outlook worsens

  8. Bernanke: Fed hoping Q4 strength will continue

  9. Bernanke: There have been positive economic signs

  10. Bernanke: Fed rate projections are not promises

  11. Bernanke: Inflation held down by labor costs

  12. Bernanke: Jobless rate will only come down slowly

  13. Bernanke: Economy will accelerate gradually

  14. Bernanke: Policy goals won't change how Fed works

  15. Bernanke: Fed can't set firm unemployment goal

  16. Bernanke: Low unemployment goal equal with prices

  17. Fed cuts 2012 core inflation view to 1.5%-1.8%

  18. Fed cuts 2012 PCE inflation view to 1.4%-1.8%

  19. Fed reduces 2012 jobless view to 8.2%-8.5%

  20. Fed cuts 2012 growth view to 2.2%-2.7%

  21. Fed sets long-term inflation goal of 2%

  22. Longer-run interest rate goal 4% to 4.5%

  23. 2 FOMC members want first hike in 2016

  24. 4 FOMC members want first hike in 2015

  25. 5 FOMC members want first hike in 2014

  26. 3 FOMC members want first hike in 2013

  27. 3 FOMC members want first hike in 2012

  28. Fed cuts 2012 core inflation view to 1.5%-1.8%

  29. Fed cuts 2012 PCE inflation view to 1.4%-1.8%

  30. Fed reduces 2012 jobless view to 8.2%-8.5%

  31. Fed sets long-term inflation goal of 2%

  32. Longer-run interest rate goal 4% to 4.5%

Live blogging the Fed chairman’s press conference

Maybe the Fed means no hike until 2016: Credit Suisse

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In Europe, Fiscal Insanity Erupts As Bankrupt Nations Scramble To Bailout Other Bankrupt Nations (HILARIOUS)

Brilliant is an understatement.  Start watching at the 30-second mark.

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PHOTO OF THE DAY - Healthcare & The 99%


Eric Holder, Covington & Burling And MERS

Conflict of interest?  You decide.  Read the details HERE.

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Citigroup Faces New $1 Billion Lawsuit Over CDO Fraud

Criminal action deserves criminal prosecution.  This is nothing but a minor distraction for Citigroup. 

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Comprehensive List Of Obama Tax Increases - 3 Years In Office & 21 Tax Hikes, Gingrich Plots To Overthrow Castro


Warren Buffett Wins Big In Keystone Pipeline Rejection

Crony capitalism never dies.

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Deutsche Bank Analyst Sounded Alarm When Asked To Alter Numbers In Quest For AAA Rating - ProPublica Investigation