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Entries by DailyBail (6219)


Simon Johnson: U.S. Banks Aren’t Ready For Coming European Crisis, McConnell Says Repeal Of Obamacare 'Not Easy', New Disability Record (Links)


Jon Stewart - The Forecloser Exposes Bank Of America

Daily Show Video - The Florida Couple Who Foreclosed On Bank Of America

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Interview With Jim Chanos: "China Makes Greece And Spain Look Like Child’s Play'

Video - Jim Chanos on Short Selling, China - June 26, 2012

  • "China will have whatever GDP growth number the government wants even if the numbers do not add up."

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Larry Summers And John Taylor Debate Interventions, Bailouts And The Federal Reserve

Video - "Are Government Interventions an Important Cause of Our Recent Economic Problems?" - April 9, 2012

I've only watched half of this clip so far and there's a lot in here: bailouts, debt and deficits, Dodd-Frank, Volcker Rule, Bernanke, etc.  Good stuff but on the dry side. 

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WSJ Economist: '75% Of Obamacare Costs Will Fall On Backs Of Those Making $120K Or Less'

Video - Obamneycare Truth - Jun. 30, 2012

Stephen Moore, senior economics writer for the Wall Street Journal says nearly 75% of Obamacare costs will fall on middle-class Americans making less than $120,000 a year.

The headline quote comes in the final 30 seconds.

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Bank Of America And Countrywide: "It Was The Worst Deal In the History Of American Finance, Hands Down!"


SOURCES: Obama Growing Bored With Foreclosure Crisis


Larry 'I Wrecked The Harvard Endowment' Summers As Realized In Cinema From 'The Social Network'

Evidently, this meeting with the Winklevoss dipshits was before Larry's afternoon nap.  Had Summers invested just $1 million from the Harvard endowment in Zuckerberg's idea for a college-only social network, he would have made at least $1 billion (first investors in FB earned more than 1,000 times their investment with the IPO, and Harvard could have been the very first).

How He Wrecked Harvard's Endowment

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Matt Taibbi: The Real Housewives Of Wall Street: How Morgan Stanley Wives Christy Mack & Susan Karches Ripped Off Taxpayers In Geithner-Bernanke Bailout Scheme

Illustration by Victor Juhasz

In another era, we would have seen Congressional hearings on this matter within days, yet a year has passed and...nothing.  This type of fraud never grows old.

Take Action! Audit the Fed - Sign the Petition


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Hedge Fund Manager John Paulson's Very Bad Year


More Proof Obama Made A SECRET Deal With PhRMA To Keep Drug Prices Inflated

Updated on Jun 29, 2012 at 3:36 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Most of you saw this story a few weeks ago, but just in case:

Nancy DeParle, then director of the White House Office of Health Reform, wrote the following email to PhRMA’s chief lobbyist on June 3, 2009: “Yes – I pushed this to everyone (Messina, Rahm) is in Egypt with POTUS but Phil Schrillo, Dana Singlser and I made decision, based on how constructive you guys have been, to oppose importation on this bill.”

That September, top PhRMA lobbyist Bryant Hall reported to his coworkers in an email that he “had a good call w Messina,” and wrote: “Confidential: WH is working on some very explicit language on importation to kill it in health care reform. This has to stay quiet.”

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Medicare Fraud - Billions Going to Castro, Cuba?


Robert Prechter Tells Jeff Macke: 'U.S. Will Be Downgraded Again, Treasury Bubble Will Collapse'

Prechter's sees America's "free ride" in terms of borrowing costs coming to an end as global investors come to realize the U.S. is no different than any other print-and-spend nation.

Write-up inside.

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Bill Moyers: 'Look Who's Really Writing the Healthcare Bill - Big Pharma & The Insurance Lobby'

Outstanding clip.

Video - PBS Bill Moyers Essay, The Health Care Lobby - Oct. 15, 2009

A look back in the wake of yesterday's SCOTUS decision.

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