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Elizabeth Warren: The Credit-Card Lobbyists Are Stampeding The Halls Of Washington (Clip)

Excellent Elizabeth Warren Clip from The Rachel Maddow show discussing credit-card reform.  There is no other side to this issue.  The reform's success or failure will be a test of the degree of Washington capture.  Capital One received TARP funds.  American Express did as well.  Just level the playing field and give consumers a chance.  Watch.

Warren Archive

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Obama Says No Bailout: CIT Gets Denied


Carney On CIT Group: 'Let Thriving Companies Thrive And Failing Companies Fail'

"Time to lower the flag on Bailout Nation and raise the flag for good old American Capitalism."

John Carney on CNBC from this morning discussing the potential bailout for small-business lender, CIT Group (not Citigroup).  Kudlow and Carney are the winners in an IKO. 

My commentary.  Moral hazard tends to multiply.  At this stage of the bailout cycle, the risk to the economy are greater from moral hazard than they are from the failure of CIT.  American business leaders and especially financial CEOs need to re-learn the lessons of failure and success.  We are rewarding the worst-managed companies while placing their better-managed competitors at a disadvantage.  Take a look at Ford vs. GM and Chrysler.

This is ludicrous and smacks of politics.  If Obama were not so concerned with popularity and re-election, he would accept the temporary dislocation from a CIT failure and teach the market a lesson.  Yet, at this hour, the stock is halted pending an announcement from Treasury on a bailout. 

Geithner.  Listen to Sheila Bair.  She wants no part of CIT, their brokered-deposit madness and their loan portfolio.  Time to draw a line in the sand.  CIT Group is not systematically important.  Let their competitors enjoy the spoils of business victory.  When will it fracking end?!!


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Wednesday Morning Links (July 15, 2009)


Sherman To Geithner: Can We Tell America Today That Capitalism Is Back?..Mr. Secretary, Please Answer The Question (Clip)

Right at the onset, watch how Timmaaay leans way to his right almost out-of camera and flashes a clown's grin. Charming the Sherminator does not work.  Sherman ("Capitalism Is Back!") has a simple question.  Tim Geithner will not answer it.  Geithner is hedging himself for future trouble.  He doesn't want to make any categorical declarations about future bailouts (because he knows they're coming).  It's the epitome of moral hazard.


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Fareed Zakaria Interviews Tim Geithner (GPS Clip)

Interview was broadcast Sunday (July 12).  Zakaria is outstanding.  This is so much better than Erin Burnett or Steve Liesman performed in their respective chances.  Zakaria interrupts him; holds him to the question; controls the environment exactly as a competent journalist should.  There's no glad-handing or nervous laughter.  Geithner can talk a line of Bull Shite from here to Texas, in his fracking sleep no less.  He's more talking point focused than anyone I've ever seen.

I've got a partial transcript inside.


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Bernanke And Greenspan Missed The Housing Bubble But This Cartoonist Saw It all Coming

Look at the date on this prescient cartoon: September 25th, 2002

So the greatest economic minds in the world didn't see the housing bubble as late as 2006 and this unknown cartoonist saw it clearly in 2002.  Things that make you go hmm.

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Have You Seen This Video (Housing Bubble Video Graph)

I didn't know how to title this.  It will make sense once you see it working.  The green bar represents income, the orange bars represent housing prices in selected cities.  The graph starts to dance.  Music is some kind of catchy jazz number with a sultry-throated chanteuse.  Very well done.  The creator is Nick Gogerty


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A British Bear Opines On Meredith Whitney & Unemployment (Clip)


Photo Essay: 100 Abandoned Houses


Links Are Like Heroin For News Junkies (Tuesday July 14, 3009)

The date was not a typo. I wonder if Citigroup will be dealt with by then.  Rubin's progeny will be running the show from an underground bunker near Davenport, Iowa.  25 links inside.

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Meredith Whitney Says Unemployment Will Reach 13% (CNBC Clip)


Bove: "Citigroup Has Always Been A Snake Pit And A Mess" (Clip)


Barry Ritholtz Bailout Nation Media Tour Rolls On (Morning Joe Clip)

Commentary from James who is at work on his dissertation yet can not stop thinking about justice and revenge: More good stuff from Ritholtz on Citigroup and TBTF (too big to fail).  Talks about one of my favorite topics -- pitchforks and torches.  Also discusses clawing back fraudulently earned bonuses at Citi, Merrill and Countrywide.  I rate this one 4 Tines.


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