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A British Bear Opines On Meredith Whitney & Unemployment (Clip)

Comedy Hour: An interesting British chap who doesn't like Meredith Whitney's appearance but gets turned on by her use of financial nomenclature:

"She's just not my sort of woman at all--big, blousy, blonde, American woman. Not my sort. Not my sort at all. But then she talks about off-balance sheet SIVs and MTM accounting and dirty talk like that, and I'm just captivated."

He is 'TheModernMystic' on youtube and seems to have a decent following there. It's part comedy, part solid discussion of U3 and U6. Give him a chance. You might be surprised.

Commentary, summary and link from SD:

"Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, because they are running on taxpayer's money, will make money.  But what's the economy going to do with 15% U3 and anywhere near 30% U6 unemployment [BLS blue pill and red pill seasonally adjusted U.S. national unemployment rates for the uninitiated.]."

"But the American market goes up over 2% [on Meredith Whitney's Goldman Sachs bull call].  Despair!  That's it.  I've finished.  I might go and watch the interviews now.  Bye."

DESPAIR! America's Next Top Model and America's Got Talent are on Wednesday night.  I may go home and watch them.  Bye.

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For newcomers (in fact 75% of our visitors every day are NEW...never had their IP recorded on our site even once)...here's what we do:

We cover all stories related to the institutionally dysfunctional, painfully inept and completely counter-productive taxpayer bailout of failed people, ideas, businesses, pensions, municipalities, states and ultimately, we fear, of our federal government.

Tell your friends about our site and what's going on in Washington. Help us spread the word about the immoral transfer of debt from failed, private banks directly onto the backs of your chldren. And to young people directly, seriously wake the f up, and realize that it's mostly your cash that's headed out the door.
Jul 14, 2009 at 1:39 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Great post. This guy just about sums it up.

"Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, because they are running on taxpayer's money, will make money. But what's the economy going to do with 15% U3 and anywhere near 30% U6 unemployment [BLS blue pill and red pill seasonally adjusted U.S. national unemployment rates for the uninitiated: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t12.htm]? But the [American] market goes up over 2% [on Meredith Whitney's Goldman Sachs bull call]. Despair! That's it. I've finished. I might go and watch the interviews now. Bye."

DESPAIR! America's Next Top Model and America's Got Talent are on Wednesday night. I may go home and watch them. Bye.
Jul 15, 2009 at 2:49 AM | Unregistered Commenterspideydouble

It's late and I can't sleep. TheModernMystic you linked above, just linked you here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBViWySUIdc

I love this guy.
Jul 15, 2009 at 3:02 AM | Unregistered Commenterspideydouble

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