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Wednesday Afternoon Reading (I Can't Believe It's Not Capitalism, 20 Stories, Aug 4, 2010)

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Reader Comments (2)

"22 Statistics About America’s Coming Pension Crisis That Will Make You Lose Sleep At Night"

Let's hear it for the Goobermint that made this all possible, but do not lose to much sleep, Congressional and Presidential pensions are going strong. That is the important thing...

"Rare Earth Elements: The World Is Rapidly Running Out And China Has Most Of The Remaining Supply"

Very quitely while we keep rewarding criminals, China is silently trying to lock up all the global resources they can get their hands on...

"Who Cheats More: Wall Street or Washington?"

Washington, and Wall Street can only do what their contributions will buy.


I love the Golden Jackass...
Aug 4, 2010 at 5:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Awesome jobs report
Its been estimated the jobs report reflects the hiring of two dry cleaning shop workers, a pizza delivery guy part time, one truck driver, a barber school barber part time, one trash recycler, and one Wal-Mart truck unloader in each US zip code.

Celebrate the recovery and lets mark those stocks up :)
Aug 5, 2010 at 12:23 AM | Unregistered CommenterKen

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