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Video: Frustrated Volcker Walks Out On Maria During Live Interview

Is former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker being silenced by Larry Summers, Tim Geithner and the  rest of the Obama administration?

It's no secret that Volcker believes that portions of Glass-Steagall should be re-implemented, meaning the largest hybrid banks would be forced to shed assets, choosing either commercial or investment banking, but not both.

The transcript and reaction from Bartiromo are inside.

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CNBC Video: Paul Volcker With Maria Bartiromo -- November 2


BARTIROMO: Let me just ask you this cause you know a lot of people say thank god Volcker is where he is right now advising the president you saved the economy once before we want you to save it again.

VOLCKER: Maria, I think that -- thank God I'm sitting here with a purple-dressed --

BARTIROMO: Do you feel you're being listened to, Sir? Are you being heard in the administration?

VOLCKER: I've got a loud voice. There you are. Like I said, the decision in the end is not mine. I give them the best advice I can give them.

BARTIROMO: What advice are you giving them right now?

VOLCKER: That's a long story. I need to go make a speech. No, I have good relationships with them. there's no problem between us.

BARTIROMO: Do you feel that we should be seeing an exit strategy articulated in terms of government's ownership of business, in terms of the fed programs out there?

VOLCKER: Look, they are thinking hard, I'm sure, about exit strategies. It's not an impossible problem. It will be a difficult problem. A lot depends on how the economy recovers. we've got to get some recovery going.

BARTIROMO: Can you talk to us about the deficit. Are you worried, should this be a near term priority?

VOLCKER: Everybody ought to be worried about the deficit. It's a big deficit. But the time will come to deal with it.


VOLCKER: It all depends upon the economy. The time has come for me to give a speech.

BARTIROMO: Mr. Volcker, you've got to go. We appreciate you sitting down with us today. 


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Reader Comments (12)

The Silencing of Paul Volcker?

By: Maria Bartiromo
CNBC Anchor
Nov 4, 2009 at 2:32 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Complete transcript
Nov 4, 2009 at 2:41 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Airtime: Mon. Nov. 2 2009 | 7:00 PM ET

Paul Volcker goes on the record about the economic recovery, with CNBC's Maria Bartiromo. Analysis, with Donald Luskin, Trend Macro and John Carney, BusinessInsider.com

Nov 4, 2009 at 2:42 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Misleading title in this post!
Nov 4, 2009 at 3:23 PM | Unregistered Commentersupersocco

You don't think Volcker was frustrated when he WALKED OFF during a live broadcast...?
Nov 4, 2009 at 4:38 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I agree - his intentional vagueness felt like self-sensoring. And maybe he was pissed to be interviewed by the great Maria - as evidenced by his snarky "thank God I'm sitting here with a purple-dressed..."
Nov 4, 2009 at 5:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterAngry Jones
I think you got it Jones...Bingo.
Nov 4, 2009 at 5:14 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Watching him makes me think that a case could be made for the Pelosi death panels.

For Volcker, based on his comment, I say medicate him with viagra and put Monica Lewinsky in purple nurse scrubs to care for him until the grim reaper takes him home.
Nov 4, 2009 at 6:18 PM | Unregistered Commentergobias
For Volcker, based on his comment, I say medicate him with viagra and put Monica Lewinsky in purple nurse scrubs to care for him until the grim reaper takes him home.


Good laugh at that...
Nov 4, 2009 at 9:41 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
seriously. If this guy's name wasn't Paul Volcker would anyone assume from this video that hes not just some senile, uneducated former concrete worker? its kinda eye opening in my opinion, that he wastes an opportunity to actually help his cause
Nov 5, 2009 at 9:39 AM | Unregistered CommenterAndy
Andy's comment hit the nail square on the head. So this mumbling, unkempt and apparently senile old fart is the "great" Paul Volcker upon which many Americans place their hopes?

The USA is royally screwed NOW.
Nov 5, 2009 at 3:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery
Guys...if you read the maria link...he was in a hurry from the get-go...then when maria started to bring up the dis-harmony btw summers-geithner and himself he wasn't in the mood for it...so he walked away...
Nov 9, 2009 at 11:27 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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