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Video: Austan Goolsbee The Comedian: Funny Or Not So Funny?

Guess which way I'm voting?  Goolsbee makes a joke about having been born in the same year as Obama, 1961, both of them in a village in Kenya. There are a few decent shots at the banks, but they ring hollow considering that the Obama-Geithner administration is owned by Wall Street, no different than Bush-Paulson. Goolsbee took home first prize, so you can imagine his competition.

It's Friday night, so sit back, relax and try to not to worry.  Bob Marley will set you straight.


(The Bob Marley clip is at the bottom of the page)

Austan Goolsbee On The Colbert Report

Goolsbee On The Daily Show With Jon Stewart: Is The U.S. Too Big To Fail?

From Politico:

White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee took home the top prize in the 16th annual "D.C.'s Funniest Celebrity" contest on Wednesday evening, and he did so in a very unconventional way. Instead of adopting a traditional comedic routine of joke buildup and punchline, Goolsbee peppered an otherwise expected stump speech on the Obama administration's goals with subtle asides that constituted a humorous, sarcastic, self-deprecating and conspiratorial insight into the administration's most accessible punchlines. The targets? Hillary Clinton, Sen. Ben Nelson, Rod Blagojevich, Sarah Palin and Fox News.

As Goolsbee's routine unfolded, he adopted a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde persona; while elaborating on the administration's polished talking points, he'd drop his voice for vocal moments of internal monologue.

Among them:

  • "When we came to office, it was not that fun of a time to be here in the economy ... but we basically knew what to do (panic) ...." "Let's just start with the fundamentals (throw money at the problem)." "We kinda had to go back and look at the old text books (Karl Marx, Trotsky)...

On some U.S. banks:

  • "Ingrateful bastards" who "bankrupted your grandma."

On the Obama administration's top priority coming into office: 

  • Make sure "all the Clinton people got their jobs back."

On the president's trip to Copenhagen and the Illinois delegation:

  • "I think they're bringing the governors (if the parole board says it's okay)..."

On Sen. Ben Nelson:

  • "He is still a Democrat and I do think that if you see somebody as distinguished as Senator Nelson, maybe we can learn something from him (sneak attack) maybe it's a lesson (stab him in the back) and there are many leading figures he reminds me of (Benedict Arnold) ..."
  • "If you think about it, we all want our kids to be educated. ... If you have no skills and no education and you don't know anything, what future do you possible have (Fox News Correspondent)...

On 2012:

  • "I think [Republicans] might do better looking outside of Washington to governors, there's a lot of governors. There's obviously Sarah Palin (wingnut) from Alaska who's a former governor (quitter) and you cannot rule out that by 2012 (there will be a warrant for her arrest) that she'll be the nominee. ... They might want to take somebody who was against Obama from the start, someone who's just had it out for him for some time (Hillary Clinton)..."
  • "It's been a wild run. I'm just a guy from Chicago (future Fed chair)..."


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Reader Comments (8)

Short, funny clip...David After The Dentist
Oct 3, 2009 at 12:04 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Bizarre 30-second clip...monkey does something very strange...

Consider yourself warned...
Oct 3, 2009 at 12:05 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Allie posted this earlier in the week...a penguin jumps into a boat of tourists to escape a pack of killer whales...
Oct 3, 2009 at 12:07 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
The complete Dave Letterman Extortion Video...as he tells the story to his audience Thursday night...the 10-minute version...you probably hadn't heard the entire thing...

Remember, it's Friday night...diversion and comedy...I need to forget the bad stuff for a little while...
Oct 3, 2009 at 12:47 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Update on Letterman with photos of the young woman with whom he had the affair...

Oct 3, 2009 at 12:51 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Woody Harrelson on Letterman last night after Dave's public admission...

Letterman is from Indiana, Woody graduated from Hanover College in Indiana, and The Bail is located in Bloomington...if you're looking for a connection...but really, I've been watching Letterman since 1981 and how can you not love Woody...
Oct 3, 2009 at 1:03 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Oct 3, 2009 at 2:04 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
The delivery was great, but the material was definitely NOT funny. The losers must have been pitiful. Goolsbee has a natural confidence that is extremely unnerving to me--an aura of wickedness.
Oct 3, 2009 at 5:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterSonic Ninja Kitty

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