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Velvet Underground Drummer Moe Tucker Talks About Her Opposition To The Obama Spending Machine

Video:  Democrat Moe Tucker at a protest in Clifton, Georgia

First Cenk Uygur, now the Velvet Undergound.  Turns out that lifelong Democrat Maureen Tucker, aka Moe Tucker, the Underground's former drummer, is something of a tea partier.  Check out these comments from an interview with the Riverfront Times (St. Louis).

  • "I'm furious about the way we're being led toward socialism. I'm furious about the incredible waste of money, when things that we really need and are important get dropped, because there's no money left."
  • "No country can provide all things for all citizens. There comes a point where it just isn't possible, and it's proven to be a failure everywhere it's been tried."
  • "My family was damn poor when I was growing up on Long Island. There were no food stamps, no Medicaid, no welfare. If you were poor, you were poor. You didn't have a TV, you didn't have five pairs of shoes, you didn't have Levi's, you didn't have a phone; you ate Spam, hot dogs and spaghetti."
  • "I am against the government now thinking about bailing out unions. The unions made the contracts which include insane pensions; the U.S. government didn't."
  • "Today it was announced that there would be no cost of living increase for Social Security recipients because "there's no inflation." ... But why is it that suddenly food prices don't go up two or three or five cents, but instead they're going up 40, 50, 60 cents at a clip? No inflation my ass!"
  • "My anger stems from the unbelievable (criminal!) waste of money....Billions spent every friggin' year on totally unnecessary crap so that these Congressbums can tell their constituents that they 'brought home the bacon' and get re-elected."
  • "I disagree with spending / borrowing / printing -- damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!  I disagree with the 'we won' attitude, which is the cowardly way of saying fuck you! I disagree with an administration that for twenty months blames Bush."
  • "Anyone who thinks I'm crazy about Sarah Palin, Bush, etc. has made quite the presumption. I have voted Democrat all my life, until I started listening to what Obama was promising and started wondering how the hell will this utopian dream land be paid for? For those who actually believe that their taxes won't go up in order to pay for all this insanity: good luck!"
  • "To be honest, I never paid attention to what the hell was going on. My always voting Democrat was the result of that. My philosophy was and is all politicians are liars, bums and cheats."
  • [asked if she's still involved in music]  "No time for it anymore. I take care of my eight-year-old grandson and it's a full-time job. He wears me out, keeps me laughing, and I love him to pieces!"

Sounds pretty good, Moe. 

If you're the voice of the Tea Party, I'm Sticking With You



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"Sunday Morning" - Velvet Underground with Moe Tucker


"Sister Ray"



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Reader Comments (8)

Investors who have been snapping up foreclosed homes are backing off in the wake of the U.S. foreclosure fiasco, driven off by sagging inventory and fears over legal title. Some economists say the trend could hurt the overall housing market.

With foreclosed properties accounting for a large portion of housing sales, and investors accounting for a large portion of buyers — particularly in some key markets with very high foreclosure rates — the implications for the broader economy could be serious.

Oct 24, 2010 at 5:38 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
The Government Pulls a Bernie Madoff on Social Security and Lays Out the Sad Truth

Oct 24, 2010 at 5:39 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
We should have listened to Al Gore and put it all in the lock box.

Al Gore poem, read by Al Gorelioni himself.
Oct 24, 2010 at 5:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterZ
By the way...all credit to pitchfork for this post...he did all of it...i'm listening to White Light Whie Heat right now...rocking out...this is a great post...
Oct 25, 2010 at 1:50 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
"I am against the government now thinking about bailing out unions. The unions made the contracts which include insane pensions; the U.S. government didn't."

Unions "make" no contracts, collective bargaining means labor and management (government) both must sit down and negotiate and agree completely on all points of the contract and any attached MOA's.

I have always loved how morons f@ck this up. Just like politics, both are responsible for the contracts, but the government alone is responsible for the "borrowing" from the pensions with no intent to repay the "loans".

Other than that, great post.
Oct 25, 2010 at 9:34 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers

This quote was clearly based on mis-information. She obviously had heard something (somewhere) about unions getting bailed out -- maybe it was the UAW in the Chrysler and GM BK's. (I don't know.) I put it in with the quotes because I didn't want to try to paint her as some kind of well informed Daily Bailer, just a regular Moe who has joined/taken part in the Tea Party movement. What she said, and what she appeared to support in terms of policy, was a mixed bag -- much like the TP itself.
Oct 25, 2010 at 10:07 AM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
No offence Dr. P., just correcting her misguided one liner, because many like to believe that kind of shit.
Oct 25, 2010 at 10:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers

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