Velvet Underground Drummer Moe Tucker Talks About Her Opposition To The Obama Spending Machine
Oct 24, 2010 at 3:05 AM
DailyBail in Taxes, Taxpayer Anger, maureen tucker, moe tucker, taxpayer, taxpayers, tea parties, tea party, tea party, velvet underground

Video:  Democrat Moe Tucker at a protest in Clifton, Georgia

First Cenk Uygur, now the Velvet Undergound.  Turns out that lifelong Democrat Maureen Tucker, aka Moe Tucker, the Underground's former drummer, is something of a tea partier.  Check out these comments from an interview with the Riverfront Times (St. Louis).

Sounds pretty good, Moe. 

If you're the voice of the Tea Party, I'm Sticking With You



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"Sunday Morning" - Velvet Underground with Moe Tucker


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