UPDATE: Insurance Companies Profit From Dead American Soldiers -- NY AG Cuomo To Investigate (CBS CLIP)
In case the youtube version gets pulled for copyright infringement, here's the link to the CBS video:
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Reader Comments (6)
I bet somewhere in twenty or more pages of size 4 text a disclosure exists. Placed right where grief stricken family members will hopefully never see it. If they do I bet it says we keep the money and we get 4/5 of all interest earned, in plain english.
More greedy, immoral, possibly criminal and definitely disgusting activities by big business.
What the hell happened? There was a time when people stood up for each other in this country!
Have we become so morally bankrupt that it is accepted business policy to take advantage of dead american men and women both military and nonmilitary and their families in the name of corporate profits?
The effects of Unbridled out of control Capitalism and totalitarian Communism are the same. They both destroy the quality of life for the common citizen and the morals of the elite in power.
We are living proof of that fact.
Sagebush, it's nice what you wrote, but you don't know what is totalitarian Communism. To compare unbridled Capitalism with Comunism is a stretch. I've lived in communist country--so i know those two cannot be compared. Capitalism in any form beats totalitarian regime. Just an example--there is no way you could express yourself like you are doing here in communist regime. I cringe when people compare these two systems. IF you ask me, weith Obama we are heading to socialism and I am scared. People might cheer for government taking care of them, becuase they don't know consequences. In Capitalism there is competitioin that drives system to better itself. There is no such thing in totalitarian regime. I could go on, and on, because these two systems are really not comparable. So be happy (still and always) that you live in the USA--until some pinko will ruin this country.
("Capitalism in any form beats totalitarian regime.")
James Street made this comment on another post.
("Corporate capitalism has always fought small business, free-enterprise capitalism and market forces. They want monopolies first and oligopoly second and they elect governments to give it to them.")
I believe he is 100% correct with his observation and I am convinced this is the present situation in the United States of America. Instead of a Democracy we have a ( Corporatocracy ).
"Corporatocracy or Corpocracy is a form of government where a corporation, a group of corporations, or government entities with private components, control the direction and governance of a country.
Corporatocracy is that type of politics,wherein a country is run by a corporation or a group of corporations or governmant entities with privatisation. This is sometimes considered to be a form of fascism.
This belief is reinforced by two factors. First, corporations give to competing political parties and major political party candidates. This is seen as a corporation hedging their bets on the outcome of an election, and trying to get on the good side of whichever candidate is elected into office. Some say[who?] this is one of the hallmarks of a corporatocracy.
Second, in many cases former corporate executives serve as powerful decision makers within government institutions often charged with the regulation of their former employers. Meanwhile, former government employees often accept high ranking positions within corporations thereby providing their new employers with access to governmental decision makers. This serves to create the appearance of a revolving door between corporations and the institutions established to regulate their behavior; and can lead to regulatory capture."
I consider this a totalitarian regime, controlled by the corporate elite. I believe the governments total disregard for the middle class for the last three years proves my point.