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The Lloyd Blankfein Stink-Eye

Bess Levin picked up on something subtle about Lloyd's testimony yesterday before the FCIC overlords.  Blank was tossing ample stink-eye to Angelides and crew at every opportunity.  More photos at Dealbreaker.





Featured comments:

Is it just me, or does LB sound like a 50-year old woman who smokes too much?  A really cranky 50-year old woman who smokes too much.  Probably leaves dark red lipstick stains on her coffee cup.

James H


OOOO--scary! Like my second grade teacher, or Emperor Palpatine.  He certainly has it perfected.  I bet he practiced in the mirror, like those girls on 'Top Model' do.

Sonic Ninja


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Reader Comments (4)

Is it just me, or does LB sound like a 50-year old woman who smokes too much? A really bitchy 50-year old woman who smokes too much. Probably leaves dark red lipstick stains on her coffee cup.
Jan 15, 2010 at 12:48 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
OOOO--scary! Like my second grade teacher, or Emperor Palpatine. He certainly has it perfected. I bet he practiced in the mirror, like those girls on 'Top Model' do.
Jan 15, 2010 at 10:18 AM | Unregistered CommenterSonic Ninja Kitty
comments added to the post at the bottom with link...
Jan 15, 2010 at 11:29 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
We gonna chase dose crazy baldheads outta our town!

Jan 15, 2010 at 4:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery

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