The Lloyd Blankfein Stink-Eye
Jan 15, 2010 at 12:08 AM
DailyBail in fcic, goldman sachs, lloyd blankfein, lloyd blankfein, photo essay

Bess Levin picked up on something subtle about Lloyd's testimony yesterday before the FCIC overlords.  Blank was tossing ample stink-eye to Angelides and crew at every opportunity.  More photos at Dealbreaker.





Featured comments:

Is it just me, or does LB sound like a 50-year old woman who smokes too much?  A really cranky 50-year old woman who smokes too much.  Probably leaves dark red lipstick stains on her coffee cup.

James H


OOOO--scary! Like my second grade teacher, or Emperor Palpatine.  He certainly has it perfected.  I bet he practiced in the mirror, like those girls on 'Top Model' do.

Sonic Ninja


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