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THE BIG WANG THEORY - Jon Stewart To Anthony Weiner: 'Just Tell The Truth!'

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Reader Comments (2)

Put some Soy sauce on that thang.......2 damn funny....AB
Jun 3, 2011 at 7:50 PM | Unregistered Commenterain't bullshitt'n
"OMG" I cant get enough of this shit. I sooooo wish I still had my show. ThAre are so many linners here. Its what I did best.....This guy came a long just at the right time, dident he. There is no better merterial than stupid guys trying to do sex shit...

Getting caught only puts the iceing on the cake. This is so much fun, or did i say that already..? Question, we all know he is lyeing. How is he gona addmit it was him. You know, OK, It was me, I wanted to impress her with my Little-Thang..... It looked big from my angle.

Well, this one is gonna be hard to beat....Weiner showing his "Hard Little Weiner"..It'll be a wile before we have this much fun folks.
Jun 4, 2011 at 12:10 AM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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