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Ten Year Outlook - Obama Would Spend $6 Trillion On Military, Romney $8 Trillion

Since we're flush with cash, and with federal government surpluses as far as the eye can see, it makes stellar budgetary sense that we spend $6-8 trillion over the next ten years on the U.S. Industrial Killing Machine.

Wait, what?

Back to deficit reality.  We borrow 42 cents of every federal dollar.  Neither Obama nor Romney are inclined to look for savings from the military.  Doyle McManus of the LA Times takes a look at Romney's plan to increase war spending by perhaps as much as 50% over current levels.

President Obama has proposed keeping the Pentagon budget essentially flat for the next 10 years. Mitt Romney, by contrast, wants to increase defense spending massively — by more than 50% over current levels, according to one estimate.  That could mean almost $2 trillion in additional military spending over 10 years.

Romney hasn't actually proposed a defense budget or offered any specific numbers for his military strategy. But he says he wants core defense spending to reach at least 4% of the nation's gross domestic product — a big increase over the current level of about 3.2%. And he says the country needs about 100,000 more active-duty military personnel than the current 1.4 million, even though U.S. forces have left Iraq and have begun to withdraw from Afghanistan.

Romney's argument is that only increased U.S. militarypower can guarantee peace in the world. "A strong America is the best deterrent to war that has ever been invented," he told veterans in San Diego last month.  He said his goal was "to preserve America as the strongest military in the world, second to none, with no comparable power anywhere in the world.''

Of course, the United States already fields the strongest military in the world; U.S. core defense spending — that is, the amount we spend on our military excluding the cost of major wars — is already greater than that of the next 10 countries combined.  The real questions are: How much is enough? How much can we afford? And in a time of shrinking federal budgets, how would we pay for it?

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Featured comment from Howard T. Lewis III:

It is never advisable to vote for a candidate who gets more than happy and excited when he considers desperate sweaty soldiers. It is insane to vote for someone who gets so worked up about dead ones. Mittens Romney The Liquidator comes off like the guy on the underwear package down at K-Mart, with as much awareness of the world. Obama invariably comes off like the guy who fluffed him for the picture. Obama is currently waging war in and murdering innocent civilians in a dozen different countries, with more countries to find murder victims in his sights. Romney is even more messed up about killing. He follows the guidelines of psychopathology in government to the letter.


PHOTO - Which one is not like the others..?..


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Reader Comments (7)

It looks like the Romneus have three of them five kids there that should be of age to go in the military within ten years. How dout that mittens romney!
Jun 28, 2012 at 12:04 AM | Unregistered Commenterdiggerdan
Warning from Putin: Visiting Russian president cautions Israel against hasty military action in Iran, says 'look at what happened to the Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan'

Jun 28, 2012 at 12:53 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
It is never advisable to vote for a candidate who gets more than happy and excited when he considers desperate sweaty soldiers. It is insane to vote for someone who gets so worked up about dead ones. Mittens Romney The Liquidator comes off like the guy on the underwear package down at K-Mart, with as much awareness of the world. Obama invariably comes off like the guy who fluffed him for the picture. Obama is currently waging war in and murdering innocent civilians in a dozen different countries, with more countries to find murder victims in his sights. Romney is even more messed up about killing. He follows the guidelines of psychopathology in government to the letter.
Jun 28, 2012 at 1:19 AM | Unregistered CommenterHoward T. Lewis III
Well said, Howard. Your comment is part of the story now.
Jun 28, 2012 at 1:39 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Romney needs far more money because Romney has placed, as one of his national security advisors, one Rabbi Dov Zakheim. Rabbi Zakheim was comptroller of the pentagon budget during the period when between 2.3-3.3 trillion dollars went missing (siphoned off into where perhaps only the good Rabbi knows). Romney has announced the loss/theft/fraud the day before the 911 attacks. There is plenty of information online as to who was responsible for that attack.
So, given the diversion of more than 2.3 trillion under the watchful eye of the good rabbi, one would think that Zakheim will again plays his games, but based upon the estimated expenditures, give President Romney and the American people a slight discount.
Such a deal!
Jun 28, 2012 at 8:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterWatchful Eye
Correction, it was Rumsfeld, not Romney who made the announcement of the loss/theft/fraud the day before the 911 attacks.
Jun 28, 2012 at 9:00 AM | Unregistered CommenterWatchful Eye
But Hey, did you see the birthday cake thoes nice people at the RNC, sent President BO..............That was a nice juester.......!
Aug 4, 2012 at 9:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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