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Senator Chuck 'The Spending Truck' Schumer Shouldn't Have Opened His Big Fat Mouth

Video:  Senator Chuck Schumer -- Senate floor in February 2009

  • "The American People Really Don't Care About Pork"


Schumer pissed me off earlier this week so it's his turn to get bashed.  What did he do?  He called Massachusetts GOP Senate Candidate Scott Brown a "far-right teabagger Republican"

First of all, Brown happens to be extremely moderate on social issues.  And secondly, Captured Chuck the Spending Truck Schumer needs to shut his mouth considering his role in creating legislation that helped cause the financial crisis, and his 20-year record of spending every borrowed tax dollar that came within 100 feet of his office.

Getting back to the point of this clip: he could not be more mistaken in his assessment that voters don't care about wasteful spending (pork).  Perhaps he missed the news that 99% of Americans are against raising the debt ceiling.

Washington is a tax and spending machine.  Republicans and Democrats are both guilty.  And Schumer is clueless and marginally delusional.




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Reader Comments (1)

Upchuck the Spending Truck, we've had enough.

Everyone, ere's a good one from Karl Denninger. He's really trying to get all of us connected and working together -- what we've all been trying to do for over a year, now. It could be the right time for this to work (it's always a good time, in my book ;-) ). We've got mid-term elections coming up, Wall St. bonus announcements coming up, the FCIC is going on on Capital Hill, the Tea Party is going strong, Rand Paul is leading in Kentucky, etc.

Check this out and spread the word to other blogs and friendly journalists (e.g. Ratigan).

Don't forget, Chris Whalen and IRA, Arianna Huffington and Ratigan are all promoting the Move Your Money thing. (I've got a friend coming over right now who is having problems between Chase and our local credit union -- why is she still with Chase!? Because she WAS a WaMu customer. We're going to have a little chat.)

Anyway, here's the link:


"I invite all financial bloggers, mainstream media writing or broadcasting on the financial markets and products and interested politicians to contact me at "karl <at> starve-the-beast <dot> org" with the explicit purpose of joining an effort to formulate cogent and real, tangible yet lawful actions that can effect positive and necessary change. Further posts to The Market Ticker will be made under the Category "Starve The Beast" - so you can find them all in one place."
Jan 15, 2010 at 1:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H

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