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Rick Santelli On Paper Gold Vs. Physical Gold

Gold has become just another piece of paper.

Good clip from last week.  Runs 1 minute.

"Gold's been securitized.  I don't even look at gold as gold any more.  It's just another piece of paper.  If things go badly now, people are going to end up with checks from ETFs, not gold.  I'm sorry it's just not the same.  The reign of gold as the Ayn Rand end product is over."

Rick discusses paper gold in more detail here.



New Bill Requires Gold & Silver Registration


Cramer: 'Why Every Portfolio Should Own Gold'


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Reader Comments (1)

As always........"If you don't hold it, you don't own it"... Ponce

What will you do with you paper?, go to Mexico, Peru, Africa, or where ever, to present your paper to pick up "your" gold?,,,,,,you will by happy not to be shot.

Apr 3, 2013 at 7:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterPonce

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