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Rick Santelli On Gold ETFs: 'If World Collapses, You're Stuck With Paper'

CNBC's Rick Santelli talks with Frank Lesh, FuturePath Trading, about how ETFs have changed the way investors trade gold.  Feb. 27, 2013.

Santelli on owning 'paper gold.'

Solid clip.  Santelli discusses trading gold back in the late 1970s.


This isn't good news:

World's Biggest Gold Storage Company Bans All Accounts From U.S. Citizens...




'How Central Banks Lease Out Their Gold'...



'Charles Ponzi audits the Fed's gold' by William Banzai7.

Ponzi can surely attest
The gold in the vault is the best
But then he checked leases
For 10 times the pieces
And said: "Now I'm really impressed!!!"

The Limerick King


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Reader Comments (3)

"Rick Santelli On Gold ETFs: 'If World Collapses, You're Stuck With Paper' "
If the world collapses,then they will be shortage of toilet paper & the Gold ETF would come useful!
Mar 7, 2013 at 8:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterIt is I only
If the world collapses, good luck huddling in the corner with your gold bars.

Oil, gas, food, water (and weapons I guess) will be the valuable things.
Mar 8, 2013 at 3:56 PM | Unregistered Commenterheywally
Rick Sandusky is an imbecile.
Mar 22, 2013 at 1:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterRex Vasily

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