Obama's Lies Caught On Tape
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank."
Reader Comments (8)
Lawmakers in Florida and Iowa have introduced bills to establish criminal penalties for going undercover at agricultural facilities and simply taking pictures.
Must read stuff...
If Obama say it is so, then it is so. This all sounds very birther-like to me. This all sounds like something Tom Brokaw or Charlie Rose would say about Obama.
Obama has given us back our hope and our change. When he started counting, I fell into a calm and peaceful trance. When I came out of the trance, I felt a thrill up my leg.
Using fake clips to try to upset me is wrong and no, I am not upset that Obama chose Sarah Palin as his Vice President.
(Reuters) - A Reuters analysis raises doubts about a widely cited statement by U.S. Comptroller of the Currency John Walsh that only a "small number" of wrongful foreclosure sales have occurred despite widespread misdeeds by banks that are the leading mortgage loan servicers.
The only sure thing about Obama is banal lies.
First think like a Lawyer does. Read like a Lawyer does. And then Consider that if the Judicial System is based upon the L E T T E R of the Law, then walk in the shoes of a politician where they never really answer any question directly, if at all. That said Re- r e a d how Obama says what he said that is transcribed into words below the above video clip.
OBAMA--- "I will promise you this, that (((( if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do.))))......
-----------<<< I? How can Any American President make any promise involving " I " if our government system consists of three entities, 2 of which can impeach the 1 President. From where is he getting the troops out of exactly? How many troops is he bringing back home? How long do the troops get to stay home before they are shipped out again? MORE IMPORTANTLY to notice is Who is ''WE"???? Is " w e " the Democrats, the Senators, the Liberals, All of Congress, Corporations, Private Investors, League of Nations, Nato, GOP, United Nations... the list of possibilities is endless. Either way.... By THe LETTER of the LAW and NOT by the SPIRIT of the LAW, Obama ::distastefully speaking:: D I D in-deed fulfill that part of HIS promise which our system of laws would allow and even enforce should it be contested. >>>---------
((( "...I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." )))
-------<<< Again with the " I " in a supposedly " we " structured kind of system. Ironically and alarmingly enough for me, Obama t h e n uses ""We"" almost as if the last two sentences were a message to everyone not on the seat of Government authority to rise up against the "bank" in order to end "this war"