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Obama Drastically Scales Back Goals For America After Visiting Denny's





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Reader Comments (9)

Dennys is really bad food and probably worst than taco hell or taco smell.
Aug 11, 2009 at 7:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterSell Short
Lol, this is going on my top 20 funniest Onion clips list.

Denny's blows. I would never betray my Bob Evans, mmm... Bob Evans rolls and cole slaw...

Aug 11, 2009 at 7:50 PM | Unregistered Commenterallie
Bob Evans sausage was once a staple...been awhile though.
Aug 11, 2009 at 9:54 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
This WAS funny but I get the feeling that you're going to have to pull out some more stops to get REALLY hilarious.
There is so much political correctness stalking this American parking-lot-land that it isn't really possible to be funny the way it was a few generations ago. (Remember Richard Prior? And Lenny Bruce? He made us laugh so hard the cops came, and I'm not making a sexual joke.)
A few really good suggestions come to mind but they all fall flat onto the politically correct Hollywood asphalt.
The good thing is that I don't have to tell you what they are. Your imaginations will quickly leap into the breach. (No self-censorship please: have a drink or two and try jumping once again.)
Get your pinkies into the politically incorrect waters and try something a tiny bit REALLY scandalous (read: REALLY funny.)
Please. We need some REAL laughs in America right now. It's getting pretty sad and depressing here.
Aug 12, 2009 at 1:16 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
The Onion needs to follow this up with "Obama resigns from office, disrobes, collapses to the ground in the fetal position, and becomes despondent after an unannounced visit to the Fed to take a peek at what's really on their books."
Aug 12, 2009 at 1:17 AM | Unregistered Commenterspideydouble

Send that to the Onion...they would probably do it....must admit your description of the proposed title is pretty much genius.
Aug 12, 2009 at 1:22 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Wow--how can anyone not like KFC once in awhile? Denny's avoidance I understand, as many things about that place are, um, shall we say, inconsistent.

We lived in Asia for 4 years so I have seen all kinds of organic matter labeled as food and have eaten it all as usually beggars, those pressed for time, and those who don't fully understand the menu can't be choosers. Ha ha--good times! Plus now I have 2 teen boys so I'd say there is a lot of variety in what we go for as a family. I do buy organic dairy, though, as it tastes way better than ordinary. Does that impart any poshness?
Aug 12, 2009 at 6:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterSonic Ninja Kitty
A spoof for Barry, really? How about some serious news for the guy who is running our economy into the ground? Every time there is a serious issue like the constitutional issue regarding his citizenship or lack thereof or his agenda in this case (Marxist Socialism), the bad jokes are floated to camouflage the truth. Thank God for factcheck.org, hmmmm, the biggest joke out there. The Onion is mildly funny but to have this be dailybail’s coverage of Obama is sad and pathetic. Hey daily, less Krugman, more Obama. Obama is busy filing every government position with incompetents on every level (Erin Burnett interview with Schapiro for instance). I like how the government always talks about how thoughtful they are. The jury is out on dark pools, what????? Do you think she knows why they are used, not very fitting in Obama’s socialist agenda? I would be thrilled to see her job and responsibilities outsourced to Janet Tavakoli. Mary Schapiro is a puppet and the puppet master is Senator Schumer. I don’t think it really matters. The SEC is the Federal Reserve’s bitch. The Group of Thirty, a think-tank that helps guide the Federal Reserve will have none of her and Obama’s pie in the sky regulating power wishes and hoop dreams. As the pretty Erin Burnett says, the top dog (the systemic regulator) is not going to be the SEC. Mary knows that she is nothing more than another spokes mouth as she points out that it could be the Fed with her elementary school principal soothing voice. Don’t worry, your child will be well looked after in the public school system. I need to go listen to the traffic to get this hag’s voice out of my head. As for Erin Burnett, I can see why Chris Mathews fawns over you but do have a fastball in your softball pitching repertoire.

Daily, thanks for reminding us that Barry is an elitist. Don’t forget to post some pictures of him hitting the links on Martha’s Vineyard.
Aug 12, 2009 at 7:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterGobias Bluth

I'm a fan of organic chocolate milk.
Aug 13, 2009 at 1:16 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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