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Max Keiser: "In Europe They're Still Fascinated by Obama; They Don't Realize He's Just A JP Morgan Puppet"

Originally published in January.  For anyone who missed it the first time.

Video - Latest from Max Keiser - Jan. 17, 2011

Max has a brand new idea on how to kill J.P. Morgan Chase.  Start watching at the 50-second mark...

  • "Rubber stamp JP Morgan to death!"


The last 2 weeks of Max & Stacy...



JP Morgan silver manipulation explained...

Video - Bernanke, Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan, and Silver

This is almost as good as the Ben Ber-Nank.  I'm cautious about posting animated crap, but this deserves a spot on the front page.

  • "The Ben Ber-Nank uses the JP Morgue as its proxy to short the silver."


J.P. Morgan Getting Squeezed In Silver Market?



Recent related stories...



Further reading...


Is JPMorgan The Mystery Trader Cornering The World's Copper Market? And Zinc, Aluminum & Nickel?


Kill JPMorgan With A Silver Bullet - Max Keiser Starts A Revolution Against The Silver Manipulator


FLASHBACK: Whistleblower In JPMorgan Silver Trading Scandal Targeted In Mysterious Hit And Run





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Reader Comments (4)

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Heads up - Fans of women's swimming (and high heel shoes) might want to make sure to see pic #4...

Jan 18, 2011 at 12:42 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
There Are No Words To Describe The Following Part II »

Jan 18, 2011 at 12:42 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Is JPMorgan The Mystery Trader Cornering The World's Copper Market? And Zinc, Aluminum & Nickel?

Jan 18, 2011 at 12:43 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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