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"As An American, I Am Deeply Embarrassed By This IDIOT Who's Totally In The Service of the Bankers"

Max Keiser on Obama.  Classic.  Aired today.

  • "He's a stone-cold liar."
  • "How does Obama get up in the morning and look at himself in the mirror and not cry in embarrassment and shame?  As an American myself, I am deeply embarrassed by this idiot who's totally in the service of the bankers."

This was in reference to the appointment of JP Morgan Vice-Chairman, William Daley, as Obama's Chief of Staff.  But the specific occasion or reference for Max's comment doesn't really matter.  And it's a moot point, anyway.  Obama clearly has no shame.  His bowing to foreign heads of state, which conservatives have made much hay over, may be regrettable, but what he's done for the bankers is just obscene.  I'm not at all surprised by the appointment of a JP Morgan executive to replace Rahm Emanuel.

Dr. Pitchfork


Don't miss "Perps in the White House" by Robert Scheer...


Nothing shocking here, but just a reminder that BHO doesn't love you any more than George Bush does.


Full video from RT...

Max Keiser from earlier this week...




Photo - The Wall Street love couple...





New Slideshow - Time Magazine Looks Inside the Private Offices of Fed Chairman Bernanke - Including Photos of Bernanke Growing Up in South Carolina - These are a Must See


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Reader Comments (13)

Don't miss "Perps in the White House" by Robert Scheer.


Nothing shocking here, but just a reminder that BHO doesn't love you any more than George Bush does.
Jan 12, 2011 at 10:01 PM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
nice one dr. p...i hadn't seen this keiser clip until now...
Jan 12, 2011 at 10:14 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
and yes it is obscene...
Jan 12, 2011 at 10:18 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
the keiser report has really turned into a an excellent weekly resource against the global banking elite...i applaud max and stacy for their great work...
Jan 12, 2011 at 10:21 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
This is very, very funny...


Clairvoyant Fail
Jan 12, 2011 at 10:32 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
RE: Clairvoyant Fail

Thank you, Daily Bail. I haven't had a good laugh in days. I've watched this three times. It is a riot.

Thank you so much for the laugh.
Jan 12, 2011 at 11:15 PM | Unregistered CommenterThePermabear
LOL Reminds me of this "Clairvoyant FAIL":

Jan 12, 2011 at 11:28 PM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
If and when the Fed raises interest rates as part of an "exit" strategy, the budget of the federal government will be really and truly busted, and sovereign default would be inevitable. The Fed and Tresury are surely now trying to work out an alternate route. One such possibility would be indefinite maintenance of "recession" conditions. Recent statements by Bernanke would suggest that the Fed will follow this course.
Jan 12, 2011 at 11:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterRMolineaux
USA has sold everything off ,nailed down or not.By 2012 the FED will be out of America as America will own nothing.
Americans themselves will be indentured servants.
watch and you will see the FED will no longer be in USA by 2012.
Americans will stagger into reality to realize they are now third world servants living in a barrio.
not a single peep was heard from the American people ,they will slide into the third world and not even riot.
they will accept their demise without concern.
Jan 13, 2011 at 5:50 AM | Unregistered Commenterdave
Nice one, DB. Yeah, it's been pretty obvious Obama is a Wall Street water boy since he summoned the Bankers to D.C. for a chat and Lloyd and Jamie took unexcused passes with impunity. Oh, but Obama showed them when he labeled them "fatcats."Just pitiful.

"Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"

-Mr. White, Reservoir Dogs.
Jan 13, 2011 at 7:03 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
i can't quote 'reservoir dogs' as i wish i could, but i can say that all credit for this post goes to dr. pitchfork...
Jan 13, 2011 at 12:07 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
z...i will explain it one last time...you are censored...not your content...you...for being an asshole to everyone here for way too long...any comment that you make will be deleted...as has been the case for weeks...
Jan 13, 2011 at 6:50 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Was he censored because of his disrespect for fellow posters, or for what he said? That is a question that deserves to be asked.

In other news....I thought this summed it up rather nicely. Your commenter DAVE wrote this:

USA has sold everything off ,nailed down or not.By 2012 the FED will be out of America as America will own nothing.
Americans themselves will be indentured servants.
watch and you will see the FED will no longer be in USA by 2012.
Americans will stagger into reality to realize they are now third world servants living in a barrio.
not a single peep was heard from the American people ,they will slide into the third world and not even riot.
they will accept their demise without concern.

YES. This is so true and what they have been striving for since 1933 (the Bankers Act). I'm unsure whether 2012 is the tipping point. But all of America will be owned by foreign elitists. It really has been for some time. But they will own all equity including the equity in your car. You see nowadays, you still have the right to equity in your car. You DO NOT have rights to control your car. The control comes from the State, which is a subsidiary of the US government, which is a subsidiary of the Federal Reserve. Look at your title and figure it out. You have zero control whether you own a car or a home. And soon you will be devoid of equity control also.
Jan 13, 2011 at 11:01 PM | Unregistered Commenterdogismyth

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