Man Forecloses On Bank - And Wins
Update 2: We are reposting this story from a few months ago in light of a similar story that hit the wires over the weekend. Here's the most recent story if you haven't seen it:
Original Update: See this story from Crooks & Liars
Video - How to beat your bank and stop foreclosure - Feb. 21, 2011
A Philadelphia resident foreclosed on Wells Fargo's local lending office and won.
Yes, we said 'foreclosed.' How did he do it?
He utilized a RESPA letter, which we have included below.
A RESPA letter - This letter is also referred to as a "Qualified Written Request, Dispute of Debt, Validation of Debt, TILA letter." The RESPA letter is a specific demand from the borrower to the mortgage lender or mortgage servicing company to produce evidence of the validity of the debt, and is very detailed and specific. Under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), the Truth In Lending Act (TILA), Regulation X, and the Gramm Leach Belley Act, the lender must acknowledge the receipt of the letter within 20 days, and must correct or provide clarification regarding the disputed debt, within 60 days of receiving the letter from the consumer. During the 60 days, the mortgage lender may not report any overdue payment amounts to consumer reporting agencies.
There are a myriad of web resources to help get you started...
More information on RESPA letters
Update now included in the story. See this story from Crooks & Liars.
Reader Comments (13)
A single count remains in the Maine class action accusing the mortgage company of fraudulent paperwork.
UK Uncut mounts direct action against 50 branches as Barclays admits it paid 1% corporation tax in 2009
Homeowner Says Mortgage Company Failed to Respond to His Questions, So He Took Them to Court
KNOW your rights, and Sue for them and take back what is yours.
Knowledge is indeed power and there is enough info out there to get started..
What in the Hell are you waiting for people? End the FED, End Fractional reserve banking, and end the corruption in our monetary systems.
Mortgage = Death Pledge
Mort= Death Gage = Pledge