Links & Video: Rand Paul, Bill Gross, Lew Rockwell, Alan Grayson, Fukushima 50, Three Mile Island
"No Threat To Our National Security & Yet We're Involved In A Third War!"
Gross Echoes Buffett Saying Treasuries Have ‘Little Value’ on Debt, Dollar
Bill Gross, who runs the world’s biggest bond fund at Pacific Investment Management Co., said Treasuries “have little value” because of the growing U.S. debt burden.
US, Britain insert covert agents into Libya: reports
Lane Bryant, Fashion Bug parent closing 240 stores
EPA Detects Radiation In Washington State Milk
Some Fukushima 50 May Die In A Matter Of Days
US Military Dictatorship as the Economy Goes Off a Cliff - Lew Rockwell
Financial Sector Back To Accounting For Nearly One-Third Of U.S. Profits
At the height of the recession, the financial services industry found itself forced to do something it hadn't done since the government started tracking corporate profits: record a loss.
Three years later, the financial sector, despite coming under scrutiny for its role in the financial crisis, has returned to prominence, accounting for 29 percent -- $57.7 billion -- of U.S. profits during a record-breaking fourth quarter last year, notes the Wall Street Journal. That might be the highest percentage of the post-recession period, per the Commerce Department's figures, but it's still no where close to a historic 2001 quarter when the finance sector recorded a record-setting 46 percent of all domestic corporate profits.
Before the 1990s, financial institutions rarely accounted for more than 20 percent of total corporate profits.
That the financial sector is again America's most dominant sector is even more amazing when, the WSJ notes, "the sector accounts for less than 10% of the value added in the economy."
Alan Grayson blasts Florida Gov. Rick Scott about the governor's plan to drug test public employees and welfare recipients at random. Scott owns Solantic, a health care company which specializes in... you guessed it... DRUG TESTING! Also, the Supreme Court has ruled that random testing is unconstitutional. The interview with Cenk aired March 29, 2011.
Interview with Randy King
The Three Mile Island accident of 1979 was a partial core meltdown in Unit 2 (a pressurized water reactor manufactured by Babcock & Wilcox) of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania near Harrisburg. It was the most significant accident in the history of the American commercial nuclear power generating industry, resulting in the release of up to 481 PBq (13 million curies) of radioactive gases, but less than 740 GBq (20 curies) of the particularly dangerous iodine-131.
Reader Comments (3)
They say they plan to bring ISK 100 billion (EUR 615.7 million) with them....
.......The foreigners come from Canada and the USA and want Icelandic passports for themselves and their children, according to RUV’s Kastljos programme. The group is said to include experienced people from the energy sector who have worked all over the world, including in Russia. Icelanders involved in the company Northern Lights Energy are supporting the application. An Icelandic law firm is dealing with the request for the group and presented the plan to the parliamentary committee.
Radiation Found In Milk In Washington State
“I won’t call for the sunlight of additional hearings, for fear that Republicans might excommunicate the finding that the Earth revolves around the sun.”
“Instead, I’ll embody Newton’s third law of motion and be an equal and opposing force against this attack on science and on laws that will reduce America’s importation of foreign oil.”
“This bill will live in the House while simultaneously being dead in the Senate. It will be a legislative Schrodinger’s cat killed by the quantum mechanics of the legislative process!”
“Arbitrary rejection of scientific fact will not cause us to rise from our seats today. But with this bill, pollution levels will rise. Oil imports will rise. Temperatures will rise.”
“And with that, I yield back the balance of my time. That is, unless a rejection of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity is somewhere in the chair’s amendment pile.”
Comment: There is a very big 'Black Hole" coming... and it looks like the republicans are the only ones that can stop it..... (Einstein)