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LINKS: Batman Killer Received $26K Grant From NIH, Worst Of Subprime Has Rallied 21% In 2012, $20 TRILLION Hidden From Taxman By Global Elite

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Reader Comments (2)

I can't even fake shock..

Seven Largest U.S. Banks Have Created Thousands Of Subsidiaries To Avoid Taxes: Fed Report


Wall Street Professionals Admit: Yes, Lots of Us Are Corrupt


Glad to see this the Irish really got raked over the coals I had to laugh when I read the NY Times calling for the Banks to be Nationalized because it Socializes the debt Ireland was a prime example.

Anglo Irish Bank's ex-CEO arrested for fraud


Time's Nationalize The Banks

Jul 24, 2012 at 9:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterLiberatedCitizen
Don't know why I'm shocked. Maybe I am really just depressed because my fears seem to be justified. $20+ TRILLION is so much F'n money it's just incredible. Think about that number. Then think about it again. And then get angry...
Jul 25, 2012 at 10:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterJosie

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