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Comedy - The World's Greatest Banker

Video produced by the Renegade Economist and is a clip from the soon-to-be-released film The Four Horsemen.


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Reader Comments (2)

Flashback hahaha

A Huge Housing Bargain -- but Not for You


thanks for the cough, cough, laugh

Wall Street's hottest investment idea: Your house

Jul 24, 2012 at 2:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterLiberatedCitizen
Mitt Romney actually has that word 'phony' drawn on his forehead to distract all of us from the real issue he doesn't want any of us to be asking questions about. The truth is that Mitt Romney was really adopted and isn't even an American citizen at all. It's shocking I know, but the evidence keeps piling up and Mitt Romney needs something to distract Americans from this scandalous story about to break. Please. Before it's too late and another candidate for President of questionable birth gets dangerously close to the office of President. Sign the petition to get Mitt Romney to finally release his bith certificate.

Jul 24, 2012 at 5:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterDavol

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