Kucinich: Billions Gone Missing! Bring Our Troops Home! We Are Lying About The Necessity Of War!
Editor's Note: Here is the story on the missing $9 billion that Kucinich discusses.
Video: Dennis Kucinich
Kucinich on the House floor regarding the vote on a $33 billion supplemental war funding bill, which, of course, later passed. Transcript is below.
Source: Kucinich
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today made the following statement on the floor of the House concerning an expected vote on a $33 billion supplemental war funding bill:
“In a little more than a year the United States flew $12 billion in cash to Iraq, much of it in $100 bills, shrink wrapped and loaded onto pallets. Vanity Fair reported in 2004 that ‘at least $9 billion’ of the cash had ‘gone missing, unaccounted for.’ $9 billion.
“Today, we learned that suitcases of $3 billion in cash have openly moved through the Kabul airport. One U.S. official quoted by the Wall Street Journal said, ‘A lot of this looks like our tax dollars being stolen.’ $3 billion. Consider this as the American people sweat out an extension of unemployment benefits.
“Last week, the BBC reported that “the US military has been giving tens of millions of dollars to Afghan security firms who are funneling the money to warlords.” Add to that a corrupt Afghan government underwritten by the lives of our troops.
“And now reports indicate that Congress is preparing to attach $10 billion in state education funding to a $33 billion spending bill to keep the war going.
“Back home millions of Americans are out of work, losing their homes, losing their savings, their pensions, and their retirement security. We are losing our nation to lies about the necessity of war.
“Bring our troops home. End the war. Secure our economy.”
Afghanistan: The Permanent War - Bill Moyers With Colonel Andrew Bacevich
Reader Comments (11)
When these brave men and women do return home after the sacrifices they have made. They will return to neighborhoods where many people no longer live, where they will finally find out that their friends, families, and loved ones have had war waged against them by the Goobermint and its contributors, and where our coast has been destroyed by foreigners, and no jobs will be found.
Many of the brave men and women serving our nation do not know what is happening to their families at home, because their families want them to concentrate on staying alive, not worrying about them. Though they are seeing some telling signs, like the volume of U.S. currency leaving the theater as spoken of above. That is not the first time large shipments of cash have been found exiting also...
At least Congress still has vacations, while our nation lies in ruin, that is the important part. Both parties are responsible.
Term limits will only work with modifications to the Congressional pension system ( one term served gets pay and medical for life). Otherwise, within a hundred years, think how many will be living fat on the taxpayer dime.
Our backs are already breaking under the weight of their service to us...
If they did get a pay cut, the contributors would be more than happy to make up the difference for them, so it would have no effect.
Oh yeah and they can return the money that Kucinich is talking about.........In a little more than a year the United States " flew $12 billion in cash to Iraq, much of it in $100 bills, shrink wrapped and loaded onto pallets. Vanity Fair reported in 2004 that ‘at least $9 billion’ of the cash had ‘gone missing, unaccounted for.’ $9 billion."
Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda
Read this...
READY FOR THIS=2.3 TRILLION $$$$ AND then top top it off the "what ever it was" that struck the pentagon, just happened
to hit the room where ALL THE PAPERWORK WAS as they where "trying" to"find" where the trillion's went,what a shame
it all got burned up soooo nobody lost a job,went to jail,NOTHING not a Baaaa from the herd,or the lame stream media.
Humanitarian my ass there are dictatorships around the globe we didn't do a thing about it nor should we not only can we not afford it but we're not the policeman of the world. Anyone who thinks those strikes on Libya were for anything but Oil ought to have their heads examined. Obama made a deal with the Saudi's (remember he was silent when they were shooting their citizens) the deal was you take care of Bahrain (were our 5th fleet is) and the U.S. will bomb Libya. Something funny is going on with the Fed. and Libya...
If You Don't Think Libya Is About Oil, Read This
Libyan Oil Kaching $$$
Exposed: The US-Saudi Libya deal
Even o's ex advisor notes the Europeans have more at stake (Oil) so now that o's running he undoubtedly wants to try and clean up his image for the election so if it was for humanitarian reason's why attack at all if your not going to finish the job?
"It is more in the vital interest of Europeans... when you consider the effects of massive immigration, the effects of terror, the oil market."
Loss of Libya Oil Flow Disproportionately Important
Analyst: Rising Oil Prices 'Primary Threat' To U.S. Economy
Libyan Rebels Form Their Own Central Bank (Who ever heard of rebels being able to do that so quickly?)
we should "borrow" some $'s from China to give it to them?